Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Harry's POV

I wake up to Jeff banging on our front door. What time is it anyway? I look at the clock. Shit, it's almost 7:00. I must have fallen asleep after they hauled Dixie away. I'm still dead tired. I look for my phone. I remember falling asleep listening to music. I see it on the floor. I grab it and look for something to throw on.

"Styles! Open up! I'm starving dude." Jeff is still pounding at the door as I'm pulling on my sweats.

"Hold the fuck up man!" I yell.

Obviously no one's home but me. I grab my gray sweatshirt and walk out to let Jeff in before he breaks the damn door down. I open the door and Jeff pushes past me.

"Hey you got anything to drink, dude?" He says.

"There's pop in the kitchen I think. You wanna go to the skate park or go get pizza? I'm good either way, but let's go before my Mom gets home. If Joe's with her, he'll be on my ass to get the garbage out." I say pulling my sweatshirt over my head.

"Who's Joe? He your moms' boyfriend? Let's do pizza first, then boards. Dude, I saw Morgan and Castle making out on my way here. He's lucky man, she's fuckin' hot." Jeff chugs down an entire can of root beer, and tosses it towards the trash can, missing.

"Just now, you saw them?" I say, reaching down and picking up the can.

She said they weren't together. Yeah dumb ass but you saw them at Homecoming, so clearly that's changed.

"Yeah man, in front of her house." Jeff says going back outside.

Well I guess she's not freaking out about being grabbed last night. That's good. Fucking Castle though. Why do I care anyway?! Fuck! I drop the can in the trash, and grab my board, slamming the door behind me. Jeff goes down the driveway, jumping the curb. I take off after him.

As we go down the street, I can see Grace and Castle outside her house. I'm not looking over there. I don't give a shit who she's with. Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll actually believe it one of these days. I try to stay focused on the street. Jeff 's way ahead of me, yelling for me to hurry my ass up. I can't help it, I turn to look at them.

I feel like everything's in slow motion, me going by on my board, her and Castle making out. As soon as she sees me, she pulls away and drops her arms from around his neck. She backs up looking at me, then her eyes shift to the ground.

Why'd she do that?

"Harry, fucking come on man! What the hell?!" Jeff is stopped way up the street.

"Fuck off Jeff! Don't make me beat your ass with your own board!" I look back at Grace then take off down the street.

Grace's POV

At first Kodi didn't react, I think I surprised him. Then he relaxed, put his arms around my waist, and let his lips soften into mine. I have probably thought about kissing Kodi a million times since we first met. I thought he was cute right from the start, and actually when we first started hanging out, I thought he'd ask me out, but then we became friends. This is better than I imagined. His kiss is gentle and sweet.

I'm lost in my thoughts until I hear someone yelling. I open my eyes and pull back from Kodi, just in time to see Harry go by on his skateboard. I drop my hands from around his neck and pull back even further. Why'd I do that? Harry's looking at me. I can't read his expression. I take a step back from Kodi. He turns to see what I'm looking at. Of course he does.

When he sees it's Harry, he turns back around and grabs my hand. "Come on, Gracie, let's go for that walk." He says.

Harry and Jeff are gone and I'm feeling like an idiot.

"I'm sorry about that," I say, holding his hand as we walk down my street.

How am I going to explain why I jerked away from him like that? "It just felt weird kissing you in front of people." Lame, that's what that was, lame.

"Listen Gracie, it's ok. To be honest, you took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting a kiss. I'm not complaining of course!" He's smiling.

How can he always be so amazing? We're almost at the corner.

"I don't think it's because you were freaked by people seeing us, I think it was because it was Harry, and it's ok. I told you I know there's something between you two, but if you'll let me, I'd like to show you there's something between you and I too." He says, smiling.

Kodi puts his arm out as I start to take a step off the curb at the stop light. We wait until it's green and then we walk. I can always count on Kodi to be safe. Safe is good.

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें