Chapter 90

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Grace's POV

Three days 'till Thanksgiving break. I'm excited, I love the holidays, and after Thanksgiving is Christmas!! I'm waiting outside on the step for Harry. I didn't get to see him last night. He said things were rough with Joe and he wanted to just hang out with his mom yesterday. So sweet!

I look down the street and see him coming. I stand up and walk across the lawn, meeting him at the sidewalk.

"Hey gorgeous." I wrap my arm around his neck and kiss him. He kisses me back hard. Oh my. Instantly my stomach's doing flips.

"Hey back." He pulls away smiling, leaving me somewhat dizzy.

"OK, that was a great kiss, and just so you know, I'm going to need a lot more of that later." I smile and take his hand.

"I have no problem with that, but be careful what you ask for, Grace." A smirk spreading across his perfect face. Delicious.

Harry's wearing blue fitted jeans, not as tight as usual, but holes in the knees. He has his dark blue Henley on, unbuttoned with his cross necklace, and a navy beanie. Some of his dark curls sticking out from underneath.

"Can I see your tattoo?" I ask.

He pulls up his sleeve, on his left forearm his new tattoo. "360 G Turn" with an anchor under it. So hot. I wonder if anyone will figure it out. 360 G Turn is a bmx trick, which Harry does perfectly. That's probably what people will think it means. In this case though, it has another meaning. Harry and I went from being inseparable, to losing each other, to coming back together. Course Harry says the "G" is for Grace, and the anchor is just a symbol of us being locked together, from now on. I smile as I gently run my fingers over it.

"You like it, don't you?" He says, grinning.


"Yours is hot too, I expect to see it later, up close." Such a perv.

"So things went bad with Joe? He didn't want to leave?" I say.

"You could say that. The fucker threw Jess into the tree in our front yard, and I just remember kicking the shit out of him after Derek tackled him."

"Jesus! Is Jess OK? I thought she was going somewhere with Kodi yesterday?" It's starting to drizzle. I remember the last time Harry and I were caught in the rain. Mmm.

"Yeah she did but got home right when he was leaving. She's OK, has a bump on the head from the tree. Grace, I wanted to kill him when he did that. If I'd been alone with Joe...I'm not sure I could've stopped." Harry and I cross the street, his grip tightening on my hand.

Harry's phone buzzes. He looks at it but doesn't say anything.

"Well if you'd been alone with him he would'nt have been able to hurt Jess, and it wouldn't have played out the same. Just be thankful she's ok." We walk up the sidewalk to where I see Annie and Tay standing together talking.

"I'm going inside, I'll meet you in speech. In case I forget to tell you, I want you to get out of 2nd period at 8:40. Say you have to go to the nurses office or the bathroom. I'll meet you." Harry kisses my hand, grinning, then turns and walks through the front doors.


Harry's POV

Another text from my special friend. I got it this morning as I was walking with Grace. I read it again.

*You look mad today. If you dump Grace, I can make it better. Better for you, better for Grace. Everyone wins.*

Fuck off. I walk into the office shoving my phone in my pocket.

"Is Mrs. Mooney in, I need to see her, now." I say to some kid who looks like he's 10 years old.

"Hello Harry, please come back and we'll talk." Mrs. Mooney is the guidance counselor. She and I should be BFF's as much time as we spend together.

"I haven't seen you much lately. How are things going? Are you still getting the mysterious texts?" Mrs. Mooney sits down in a big leather chair behind her desk. She's actually pretty hot for someone her age.

"Yes I am, in fact I got another one today. I think it's someone here at school." I show her the text.

"Hmm, any ideas?"

"I don't know Mrs. Mooney! I'm not exactly everyone's favorite person you know? It could be anybody!"

"These texts sound personal, like it's someone who wants you to break up with Grace because they..."

"Fuck yeah it's personal! I think when they spray painted my tattoo on the wall, that pretty much made it personal! They want me to dump Grace so they can have her and that's just not fucking happening." I stand up and walk towards the door. I have to get to speech." I run my hands through my hair.

"Harry, calm down. I know this is frustrating, but don't let them see they're getting to you. That's what they want. To cause problems between you and Grace. What I was going to say was, have you considered it could be someone who wants you?" Mrs. Mooney walks me out of her office and hands me a pass, just as the bell rings. "Remember you can come talk with me anytime."

Someone who wants me? I hadn't thought of it like that. All the texts say they want me to dump Grace, but I thought that was because they wanted her, or just didn't want us together. OK, seriously, this opens up a whole new list of possibilities.

I stop at the locker and open it to put my jacket inside before going to speech. An envelope falls out with Grace's name on it. I bend down to pick it up. This must've been put in here after she went to class, otherwise she'd have opened it. Well, I can't open it. I turn it over in my hand thinking about it. No. It's probably nothing. Jesus, paranoid much?

I put my jacket inside, shut the locker, and walk to speech.

Grace's POV

Harry was late for speech again. He finally told me he goes and talks to Mrs. Mooney. She's so awesome. She said it could be someone after Harry. Cynthia. I mean who else? Still though, that seems a little out there for Bitcherson. I think she'd be too afraid of Harry and Jess to do anything like this.

I'm writing a note to Annie to get my stuff after class if I'm not back. I look at the clock. It's almost 8:40. I turn to Annie and pass her the note. She reads it and raises an eyebrow. Then she writes something on it and passes it back.

"Sex at school?!" It says. Omg no!! Annie is way to too hormonal for her own good. I wonder if she and Ryan have done anything else besides kiss. If not, I'd say she's up for it! I look at her and mouth the word 'No'. She smiles and raises her eyebrow again. I mean, I don't think so. That can't be it. Can it?

It's 8:40. I get up and go to the teacher, a sub today, and ask if I can go to the nurses office because of a headache. She writes me out a pass. I look back at Annie and Tay as I leave. Tay looks confused and Annie is grinning.

I walk out of class and don't see Harry so I decide to walk to my locker. I open it to get gum and see an envelope with my name on it. I don't recognize the handwriting. Ominous. I take it out and open it. Just as I'm unfolding the letter, Harry comes up behind me.

"Hey, put that back, read it later. I want to show you something." He says.

"OK, I don't even know who it's from." I push it back in the locker and shut it.

Harry takes my hand and pulls me down the hall to the restroom, the guys restroom. Um, OK.

"What are we doing? We can't be in here, well, I can't!"

"Shhh, it's time to be quiet, Grace, and I REALLY mean it this time."

Before I can even respond, Harry has me pushed into the last stall and has locked the door.

(Hey! Thank you for reading my little story! Putting my notes at the end of the chapters now. Vote! Vote! Vote! Be well in the world! Love you all xx)

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant