Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After math is out, Annie and I walk to our next class together. Social studies with Mrs. Bailey. I have no interest in social studyish things. Ryan loves everything to do with history. He's just like my Dad. BORING! At least I have Annie.

Social studies went exactly as I expected, slow and horrible. We already have homework! Just reading two chapters, but in that class, two chapters might as well be ten. Art is next and that's actually something I like.

Walking into class I see Glenn. Glenn is my newest friend. He and I were in math for dummies last year. That's the extra math class they put you in if you just are too stupid to figure out your regular math class. Algebra and I are not friends let's just say. Glenn and I were the only ones in that class. Glenn is waving at me from a table near the front. I loathe sitting in the front so I make him move to the back with me. He is soooo cute today! He has his shirt buttoned up wrong and his glasses have slipped down his nose. I love Glenn.

Our teacher is new this year, Mr. Sweeney. I am listening to Glenn talk about his summer, but looking at Mr. Sweeney. He is way hotter than I expected. Tay told me in math that he was amazing, but she likes everybody, so I wasn't really taking her serious. Mr. Sweeney looks like he's maybe 30, tall and gorgeous. His hair is blond and kind of long and scruffy looking. He's dressed in jeans and a sweater. Converse shoes even. I think I might have just drooled a little on my desk. Glenn stops talking and looks up to the front of the room following my gaze.

"Oh OK, I see. I heard some girls by my locker talking about him this morning. Guess I have no chance of anyone checking my sweet ass out if this guys in the room." He smiles, but it is true. Poor Glenn, you aren't getting any girls in this class.

Mr. Sweeney tells us how he is from Seattle, and he moved out to Ohio just this last summer. He says he's still getting the hang of the town, and might need some volunteers to help him figure this place out. Of course almost every female in the class raises their hand. Mr. Sweeney blushes. I don't think he was actually meaning that seriously, much to the disappointment of all of us. He says we are going to spend the first part of the year studying the human form, learning how to draw angles and bone structure with the proper shading. All I see is his mouth moving and how it seems his movements are in slow motion, and beautiful. Is it me or is there also a constant glow about him, like the sun shining through the window just follows him around the room?

So we are supposed to draw the hand of the person sitting next to us. Glenn and I are the only ones at our table. Glenn is drawing mine, and it is crazy good. My drawing of his hand looks like some kind of cross between a birds talon and a zombie hand. I look at him expecting to see him laughing, but he just smiles at me.

"Don't worry Grace, that's why we're in art, to become better artists! You got this!"

I love Glenn.

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