Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next two weeks went by at lightening speed. I spent every moment with Jake trying to make as many memories as I could. He promised to be back at Thanksgiving because his grandparents live here. So I just keep telling myself that three months isn't that long. I'll immerse myself in school, spend all my time with Tay and my other friends, and do my best not to think about Jake being so far away.

School starts in two weeks. I still have a lot to do. I have to buy all my school supplies and new clothes. I'm still running even though Jake isn't here to know. I like it and it gets me out of the house and away from my brothers. Mom said she'd take me to get all my stuff tomorrow. I'm going to see if Taylor wants to go with us.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch eating Oreos and watching Pretty Little Liars. Mom and Dad went to a movie and so it's just me and Ryan. He's playing video games, of course, and Max is spending the night at a friends. I decide to call Tay. I know she's watching PLL too.

"Hey," I say with a mouth full of Oreo.

"Hi, are you watching?"

"Of course."

"How are you doing, have you talked to Jake today?" I can hear the tv in the background.

"No he hasn't called. I texted him a couple times but haven't gotten any back. He's probably busy getting things unpacked. Wanna go and get school supplies with my mom and me tomorrow?"

"Probably, I'll ask my mom. She'll say yes I'm sure." Now I can hear Tay eating something.

"OK I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed. Be here by 10:00 am if you can come with us."

"Ok, see ya."

As I shower, I try to think of what kind of outfit to wear the first day. I could go cute or sporty. Maybe something hot, you'll definitely get the guys attention. Yeah guys like Harry Styles!

I finish showering and get in my pj's. I grab my phone and check my texts. Nothing from Jake. I check my Instagram. Tay posted a pic of herself eating a cupcake. She's got frosting on her nose.

I lay back and close my eyes. I wonder what'll happen this year for Tay and Me. I feel like it's gonna kick ass! I know I won't have Jake but maybe I'll meet some new people. New! Done with Jake already?! Shut up inner voice! That's not what I meant. Is it?

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