Chapter 16

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"Hey bitches!" I'm at school early today, trying to avoid Harry.

I'm afraid he'll say something to me about following him on Instagram. Tay is sitting on one of the front benches with Annie and Kodi looking at something on Annie's phone.

"Hey Gracie, you're just in time to see what Ashton and Luke did with their t-shirts!" Kodi says to me in a voice I'm guessing is his idea of how girls sound. Then he rolls his eyes.

"Gracie you have to see their shirts, they showed up for a radio interview with the same t-shirts on!" Tay is laughing so hard she might fall off the bench.

"Show it to me later, I want to get to class early today." I want to be there before Harry because I don't want him watching me walk in.

"Because of Styles? I heard you followed him on Instagram last night." Kodi is just looking at me, I can't read his expression.

I hope this isn't a big deal to him. I go over and hug him, grabbing his sweatshirt out of his hand.

"Yeah so I followed him too Gracie, he hasn't followed me back though. I didn't really think he'd follow us did you? He's too cool to bother with us, probably busy trying to hook up with Bitcherson." Tay says.

Tay is trying to get her beanie from Kodi. He is always taking them whenever we wear one.

"Well, actually he did follow me back." I say before realizing how much shit they'll give me for it. "So did Zac approve your request?" Hopefully she will be distracted by Zac and not say anything.

"He followed you back already?" Annie says with a big smile. "Interesting!"

She just can't contain her excitement. I'd probably be mad if she wasn't so cute about it.

"He did? Shut up! Omg Gracie lucky! He better follow me back too, and no nothing from Zac." She makes a frowny face at me. "Oh, speak of the devil."

She is looking behind me. It's either Harry or Zac, and based on her lack of squealing, I'm guessing it's not Zac. Everyone else turns to look, but no way I am because obviously it's Harry, and I don't want it to seem like we were just talking about him.

He walks right behind me, so close I can feel the air move as he walks by. I instantly recognize his smell, just like yesterday. Stay cool Grace, do not blush, or scream, or faint. Be cool. He flicks my hat as he walks by. It falls over my head into my hands. Everyone is watching him walk into the building. I turn to look, omg he looks so good! He has on jeans and a gray hoodie. His hoodie's pulled up over his head, and you can just see his hair hanging out a little at the top. He turns his head to look at me, and then grins.

"Hey Morgan, see you in class." He says.

Harry walks into school and I am left standing there with my mouth hanging open and everyone is now looking at me. So much for me getting to class before him. Oh and great job avoiding him today Gracie!

"Ok, nothing, not one word! Serious, I don't want to hear one word ok?!" I say, starting towards the door.

Annie and Tay are laughing.

"Aww don't be mad Gracie! We still love you, we just need to know if we need to save a seat for Styles at lunch?! Who you giving your milk to today, Kodi or Harry?!" Tay says.

Bursts of laughter from everyone.

They're both dead to me.

Kodi comes up and locks arms with me "Hey, don't worry, I won't say anything about it. It's no big deal anyway. Harry Styles is one of the biggest assholes in school, but somehow every girl wants to be with him, and he's managed to snag you in less than 24 hours. Yep, just another day!" He smirks and takes off to class, leaving me totally pissed at him.

Awesome. Now I get to walk to speech by myself. God, please don't let me throw up.

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