Chapter 98

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Harry's POV

After we get back, everyone is taking off their coats and boots and I text Lizzie to let her know we're home. Grace comes up behind me and pulls my coat off my shoulders.

"Need some help?" She says.

"Thanks. I'm going to go in your room and get another shirt, since you so kindly stuffed snow down this one."

"Mmm, you look so good right now with that soaked shirt sticking to you. Your hair's wet too." Grace is staring big time.

"You want to help me get undressed? You're probably pretty soaked too, by the sound of it. I can help you with that, Grace." I smile and her pupils blow.

"Jesus, Harry. Don't say that to me right now! You just don't even know..." Grace looks around, but everyone's busy with their coats.

"Oh, I think I do know, and that's exactly why I said it." Fuck, she's so hot when she's ready. She's always ready. I'm so lucky.

"Omg, Harry! Go change, and try not to look so damn beautiful all the time!" She grins, slapping me on the ass and walking away.

I smile to myself and walk down the hall into Grace's room. I pull my shirt and jeans off, and get a pair of sweatpants out of my bag. Pulling them on, I open Grace's drawer to get a new shirt, when I hear the door open. I turn, expecting Grace, but it's Annie.

"Hey, Annie." I say.

"Oh my gosh, Harry, I'm so sorry!" Annie says, looking obviously embarassed.

"It's ok. You need to change? I'm just grabbing a shirt." I grab my red flannel and start to walk out, but PJ runs between Annie's feet as she's moving to the side, causing her to trip and fall right into me. I'm barely able to catch her before she falls. I drop the shirt and grab her, her hands reaching up and holding onto my arms.

"Whoa, that was close! Are you ok?" I say, steadying her.

"Jesus, PJ! Um, thanks, Harry. Yeah, I'm good." She stands up, trying not to look at me.

"OK, well, I'll see you out there in a minute. I think they're putting in another movie and ordering pizza." I reach down and grab my shirt, slipping it on without buttoning it.


I walk back to the living room and see everyone is back on the floor and couch except Grace, who's standing by the TV, talking on her phone.

I sit down on the couch as Annie comes in. She sees Ryan sitting next to Tay, VERY next to Tay, and walks over and sits down by me. OK. Grace gets off the phone, shoves the dvd in and then gives me a look. Her eyebrow goes up at Annie sitting right beside me. I tilt my head towards Tay and Ryan, hoping she'll see why Annie sat by me.

She smiles, understanding, and sits down on the floor between my legs. I slide off the couch behind her and put my arms around her.

"I was wondering where this shirt went." I whisper in her ear, as the movie starts.


The movie ends and I get up to go in the kitchen for a drink.

"You guys want to play truth or dare?" Castle says.

"Yeah, let's do. Gracie, let's start with you. Truth or dare." Tay asks Grace.


"Best kiss ever." Tay says.

"Harry, in the rain when we were locked out of the school." Grace says.

I smile, shutting the fridge and walk back into the living room.

"Did you hear that Harry? Grace named you as best kiss ever!" Tay says, excitedly.

"I heard, and back at ya, Baby." I smile at Grace, and she grins.

"OK, Kodi, truth or dare?" Grace asks.

"Dare, Gracie."

"I dare you to kiss someone in this room, that you haven't kissed before."

"Anyone want to back out before I make my choice?" Castle asks, looking around.

"I'm out." I say.

"Me too." Ryan says.

Castle turns to Tay and smiles. She smiles back. I look at Ryan, this should be interesting.

Castles leans in and kisses Tay, who kisses him back. Shit, that was a good kiss by both. Ryan looks uncomfortable, but not pissed.

"Whoa Kodi! Nice job!" Grace is laughing and Tay is blushing huge.

"Ok, your turn, Harry. Truth or dare?" Castle says.


"I dare you to kiss Annie." Castle's smiling. Does he think I'll pussy out?

Everyone is looking at Annie, who definitely is blushing.

"Only if she's OK with it." I say, looking at Annie. She looks like she could pass out. "Annie, you don't have to."

"Seriously, Annie, you should. He's the best." Grace winks at me.

"You don't mind, Gracie?" Annie says.

"No girrrl, go for it!"


Annie seriously looks like she might faint, I better go easy on her. I walk over to where Annie is sitting on the floor and sit down next to her.

"Don't worry Annie, you were just in my arms a few hours ago. We got this!"

"What?! Um, is there something you want to share, Annie?!" Castle says.

"No, I just fell over the cat and Harry caught me. Shut your face hole, Kodi." She says, looking embarrassed.

"OK, let's do this, Annie." I reach up, put my hand on her chin, and turn her to look at me. Whoa, she's terrified!

I put my mouth up to her ear. "Relax, it's OK, I won't overdo it. Trust me." I whisper.

"OK." She says back, almost so low I can't hear it.

I put my lips on hers, and kiss her soft, holding it for a few seconds. I pull away and smile. She smiles back.

"See, not so bad, right?" I say. She blushes and looks down.

"OK, your turn Annie, truth or dare?" I say.

"Um, truth."

"OK. Who's the better kisser, Ryan or me?" Sorry, Ryan, she'll say me.

Ryan looks uncomfortable. Suck it up, man, you got Tay now.

"You, Harry." She says, still blushing.

Yep, I knew it. I smile at her, then look at Ryan. "Sorry, man."

"Ouch!" Ryan says, putting his hand to his chest and smiling.

"Ryan, truth or dare?" Annie asks.


"Are you and Tay into each other?"

Shit. Tay looks like she just got kicked in the stomach, and Ryan's definitely nervous.

"It's OK. I know you guys are, and it's not a big deal. Really. I like someone new too." She smiles at Tay.

"OK bitches! I think we're done here. We have to get up and clean tomorrow before everyone leaves. Tay make sure everyone has blankets ok, and if you want to sleep in my room, that's fine. Harry and I will behave, maybe give us an hour first?" Grace is grinning. She gets up and walks over to me, pulling on my hair.

"Goodnight, Gracie! Behave yourselves!" Tay winks at us.

"You behave yourselves, bitches!" Grace says as I get up. We walk down the hall to her room and shut the door.

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