Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

I step back from Grace. Jesus I can't believe I just said all that. I wasn't even planning to talk to her! She was with Kodi at lunch. They were fucking hugging and shit! Looked serious to me. Well, she just told you they're only friends. Yeah but she said she has feelings for him.

I run my hands through my hair. Why isn't she saying anything? God, is she crying?! Fucking great. Why can't I ever say the right thing! I should've stayed away. I should've ran my fucking laps and been done with it.

"Look Grace, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that stuff." I turn and start back towards the school.

Just as I get near the gym door, I hear Cynthia say, "Hey Harry, We still on for Friday? Should be a great party!"

I stop and look over at her. "Party's still on but we're not going together. Find someone else to go with Ok?" Why did I ever hang out with her?

"Did you mean it?" Grace says, running up behind me.

"Sorry honey but Harry was talking to me. Go on in now, you probably need a shower after all that running." Cynthia says laughing.

"Harry, did you mean what you just said?" Grace looks like she's still crying.

"Jesus Grace, yeah I meant it, but I shouldn't have said it." I look at Cynthia and her friends. They're clearly enjoying the show. Bitches.

"Then...yes." Grace says.

"Yes, what?" I don't know what that means. Yes I shouldn't have said that?

Before I even know what's happening, Grace is in front of me. She's got both hands on my hoodie, and she's pulled me down so her lips are next to my ear.

"Yes, I want you. Only you." She whispers in my ear.

I pull away, "Yeah, whatever, let's go inside." There's no fucking way she just said that to me, and no way I'm doing this in front of those bitches.

I turn and head for the door.

After we get inside, I turn to Grace, "I'm sorry but..."

"You're sorry! What was that?! I tell you I want you and you just dismiss me?!"

Grace is pissed! She's standing there with her hands on her hips and she looks like she's about 5 years old. I can't help it, I bust out laughing.

"Harry Styles don't make me kick your ass right here in this hallway!" She says.

Grace's POV

Omg I can't believe he said all those things to me, and now he's making a joke out of it?!! I should never have trusted...

Harry stops laughing and is walking up to me fast. He takes both of my wrists and backs me into the wall. Still holding my wrists down by my side, he leans down and looks me straight in the eye.

"What I was trying to say, before you interrupted me, is that there's no way I was going to do this in front of the fucking cheerleaders, Grace."

Oh shit. Harry gently pulls my wrists up over my head. I can't breathe. He kisses my forehead softly, then my nose. He smiles at me. I'm going to pass out. He licks his lips and slowly presses them to mine.

It's like someone turned a switch on inside me! My whole body is charged and I have no control. I kiss him back and then...he pulls away?

"You're sure, sure you want to do this with me? I don't just mean the kiss. I mean us together?" He says.

He still has my arms above my head. I pull my arms away and grab his hoodie with both hands.

"Hell yeah, now kiss me again!" I can't see anything around me, only Harry. I might explode if he doesn't kiss me right now.

Harry takes a step forward, easing his leg between my legs, pushing his body up against me. His fingers lace with mine and he brings his mouth down and kisses me. His kiss is hard, but fucking amazing, and his tongue traces the inside of my lips. I can barely breathe and I feel my heart racing. Harrys' breathing is fast and my grip on his hands is tight.

The doors open and there stands Bitcherson and the barbie bitches. Harry stops but doesn't pull away. He takes a breath.

"Well isn't this interesting. You know, this will be spread all over the school by tomorrow Harry, major screw up on your part." Cynthia and the rest of the cheerleaders are laughing.

I just stay still, totally horrified, with my face inches from Harrys'chest. I wish my inner shit kicker would leap out of me and pound Bitchersons ass! He smiles at me then turns his head to her.

"Jealous Cynthia? All those times you threw yourself at my cock, and it never got you anywhere. Spread it all you want, you've got plenty of practice with that. I'm not interested in bitchy trash like you." Harry stands up and takes my hand.

Bitcherson is in shock. For once she has nothing to say and her bitches are all standing there with their mouths open. We turn and walk through the doors to the locker rooms, leaving them standing there fuming.

When we get far enough away from the cheerleaders, Harry stops and turns to me.

"Listen I'm sorry if that was shit of me to say, but she deserved it, and I could care less about her." He says.

"I thought it was awesome! I hate that bitch! You know she's right though, it's going to be all over school." I say, putting my hand on the door to the girls locker room. If I don't sit down soon I might pass out. My legs are shaking.

"So what! I meant what I said this morning Grace. I don't give a fuck what people think of me, and if you're OK with being seen with me, that's all that matters." Harry leans up against the wall.

"I'm sooo OK with it harry," I smile, "no worries."

"I'll wait for you here, just in case Cynthia wants to give you shit. You probably don't need my help, but if you do, I'm happy to come in and kick some girl ass." He winks at me.

I walk in the locker room and sit down on the first bench I see. I take several breaths to steady my nerves. Holy shit is this really happening?! If I wake up in a couple minutes, and this turns out to be a dream, I'm going to be so pissed!

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