Chapter 17

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(Hey everyone! Hope you are liking the book so far! I'm loving this story and how it's going. This is my first book and really need everyone to vote after each chapter if you like it. Please tell people about it. I'm trying to get the word out so people can find it and read it! All your help is so appreciated. Much love!)

Chapter 17

Surprisingly the first half of my day was ok. Harry actually came into speech after me this morning, didn't say anything to me, and for some reason he wasn't even in gym. I grab a cheeseburger at lunch and am the first one at our table.

"Gracie, why wasn't Harry in gym?" Annie says, as she slides in next to me.

"I don't know Annie, we're not BFF's."

"Sorry, just wondering because he was here earlier."

Annie always packs her lunch. Today she is eating some sort of burrito looking thing stuffed with gross vegetables.

"Hi!" Tay sits down and looks right at me. "I think Zac's locker is close to me! I saw him just now right as I was getting to mine." She says, all excited.

"That's good, gives you a reason to talk to him." I say.

Wonder where Kodi is? He's usually hear by now. Hope the barbie bitches didn't eat him in social studies. In fact they better keep their hands off!

"I don't know what I would say, plus there's no way I'm talking to him first." Tay says, looking around for Zac.

"Maybe you can drop your books near him or something. They do that in the movies and it always works." Annie says, taking another bite of her oozing burrito grossness.

Suddenly I'm not feeling so hungry.

"Just smile at him if he looks at you and maybe he'll get a clue and talk to you." Ha, that rhymed.

"Hey!" Kodi slides in next to me dropping his tray on the table.

"Where were you?" I say, handing him my milk.

"Just late, I had to meet my mom out front after math. She had my stupid homework I forgot it this morning."

"Let's hang out after school, I already checked with my mom, I don't have to be home till 4:30." Tay says, looking at me.

"I don't know, I was gong to stay after and work on something in art." I say, noticing Harry walk in with some of his friends. "Glenn is going to be there, we are trying to draw each others hands, and he's much better at it than me."

Harry looks pissed. His friends are joking around but he looks like he's about ready to kill somebody.

"You just want to go stare at Mr. Sweeney, not that I blame you!" Tay says, finishing her cheeseburger.

Just then there's a loud crash, and we all turn to look.

Harry slam Dereks' head into the vending machine. Derek lunges at Harry, but Harry jumps back, causing Derek to miss and hit the table. Harry turns to leave, flipping Derek off.

"Fuck you Styles! You and Jess deserve each other! She's a slut, and you can keep her!" Derek yells at Harry, picking himself up off the floor.

"What did you say?! You did NOT just call Jess a slut!" Harry picks up a chair and throws it at Derek's head.

Derek moves out of the way just as the chair slams into the table. Harry tackles Derek and they both end up on the floor out of view. Vice Principal Morrow, and Janitor Steve run over and pull them apart. Both of them are shoved out of the cafeteria towards the front office still yelling at each other.

"Omg Gracie what the hell?!" Tay is looking at me with the same shocked face I think I must have.

"Was Derek talking about Jess, Harry's sister?!" Annie asks, totally freaked out.

"Typical Styles, see nothing's changed over the summer." Kodi says eating the rest of his cheeseburger in one bite. "It's ok Gracie, he'll be ok." He says, putting his hand on mine and pulling me up from the bench.

He turns me to look at him. "He's ok."

What, why is he acting like this?

The cafeteria is loud right now with everyone talking about what just happened. The bell rings then, and everyone gets up to go. I'm not sure why this is a big deal, this is Harry, this is how he is, but for some reason, I feel like I might burst into tears. I pull away from Kodi and hurry off to the bathroom. When I get there it's empty, so I go in an empty stall and just totally lose it.

After a few minutes I pull myself together and come out of the stall to see Annie leaning up against the sink.

"Are you ok, Gracie?" She looks really concerned. "Kodi is worried big time. I told him I'd follow you and make sure you were ok." I put my arms around her and hug her tight.

"It's going to be ok. He's done this kind of stuff before you know? He'll probably be back at school tomorrow just like always." Annie squeezes me back.

"Annie, what is going on with me? Why am I so upset? Why do I care about Harry? He was at school last year, I don't think I ever said one word to him, never gave him a thought really. Now we've been in school 2 days, and he's all I can think about!" I say, voice rising.

I'm a little hysterical right now and have snot pouring out my nose. I grab a paper towel and wipe my face. I look in the mirror and it's just like I thought, terrible. My eyes are all red, and I look like death.

"Yes, Harry WAS at school last year, but you didn't have any classes together. You hardly ever saw each other. Yesterday when you were texting me about him on Instagram, I knew it had started. As soon as we saw you had classes with him. This is probably harder on him than you. You just need to remember Grace. You can talk to Harry about it, but it might be easier if you ask your Mom and Dad. They can help you with this. You'll be ok, and I'm here for you. It will be better after you talk to them ok?" Annie says, smiling.

I'm just standing there, looking at Annie. I feel like my heart is breaking! This must be what it's like to go crazy. That's it, I'm losing my mind. That's the only thing that makes sense!

Wait, what the hell is Annie talking about, and what do I need to remember?

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