Chapter 85

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Grace's POV

"Hey giiirrl!" I say to Tay as I get to my locker. I open it and drop my bag inside, sitting down on the floor to dig through it for my notebook.

"Hey. You ready for the math test?" Tay walks to the other side of me and leans against the wall. Having an end locker is nice.

"I guess. I didn't really study last night. I was going to but went to Harry's instead.

"Shocker! You guys are constantly together, don't you ever need a break?"

"Um, from Harry? No. He's just unbelievable, Tay, and yes, while I did mean that sexually, I also mean it in every other way." I look down the hall for Harry.

"So how did things work out with Harry and the graffiti yesterday?" Tay asks.

"Fine, Sayer knows he was home Friday night and people can vouch for that. He's still getting texts though. Got one last night asking what he thought of the graffiti." I shut the locker. I still don't see Harry, guess he's late.

"Does he have any idea who it is?"

"No, he's been trying to figure it out. I gotta go, the bells about to ring." I say goodbye to Tay and start walking to speech. No one is here this morning, no Annie or Kodi either.

When I get to speech I see Harry still isn't here. I sit and pull out my phone to text him.

*u on ur way?*

Last night was amazing. Harry was so hot in that towel. I can't get enough of him. We've had sex three times since Friday and each time has been easier. Last night there was no pain. The bell rings interrupting my thoughts so I pull out my notebook and watch as Mr. Howard writes something on the board.

"This next speech is going to be about your plans for the future. It can be about life after high school, if you plan to go to college and what you'd like to study, or if you're not planning on college, how you will survive by working at Happy Burger. Due in two weeks, note cards of first draft by this Friday please."

Mr. Howard is such a moron. I really can't stand him. I start writing some stuff down when I hear the door open. Harry walks in and takes his late pass to Mr. Howard, then walks down our row of seats and sits down behind me. I know that look, he's pissed.

"Miss Morgan, please tell Mr. Styles what our next speech is and when it's due. Everyone break up into pairs and brainstorm, quietly if possible." Mr. Howard walks out of the room, most likely to get coffee.

"What happened?" I say, turning around and looking at Harry.

"I walk out this morning to come get you, and I see Joe standing by his truck all pissed off and yelling. Someone stuck a screwdriver in his tire, and of course he thinks it was me." Harry drops his book bag and opens up his notebook.

"Why would he think it was you?!"

"Because, Grace, everything bad that happens around our family is always my fucking fault, according to Joe. What's the speech?"

"Future plans after high school due in two weeks, note cards this Friday. I'm sorry your day started like shit. How would you like to come home with me for lunch?"

"Why you going home for lunch? We only get 40 minutes."

"Well, no one's going to be home at my house, and I thought maybe you might need cheering up, but if you'd rather stay here with Jeff and Derek..."

"No. Your house is good. You just can't seem to get enough can you?" Harry grins.

"Practice makes perfect."

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