Chapter 93

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Harry's POV

I can't remember the last time our house sounded like this. Everyone is talking, laughing, just happy. When Joe was here, most of us found a reason not to be home, or we stayed in our rooms. No one wanted to deal with Joe and his mood swings, which were bad most days, but so much worse when he was drinking. Fucker. Glad he's out of here, probably screwing up someone else's life by now.

Grace is coming over later to watch a movie. She had to spend Thanksgiving with her family at her aunts. She was excited because she got most of the day with Addi. She was also happy to be surrounded by so much pumpkin pie.

Mom was happier than I think I've seen her in years. She and Lizzie were up bright and early making pie and bread, laughing and drinking wine and beer all day. Both are asleep now. So are the girls. Jess is watching a movie with Jenna. Of course Billie's with me. Taking up way too much of my bed. I look over at her, sprawled out on her side, snoring.

I lay back on the bed, put my arms behind my head, and shut my eyes. All this shit with whoever is stalking Grace and I is really pissing me off. The texts are daily, sometimes more than one, and they're getting weirder. I'm not sure I think it's just someone trying to freak us out and get us to break up. What if this is someone who is seriously messed up? Like actually mental? If they did anything to hurt Grace, or anyone I care about, I don't know what I'd do. I'm not losing her though. I don't care, all the threats in the world, I won't lose Grace again. Grace's dad was going to talk to a friend of his who used to be a cop, see if he thinks we should go to the cops. I can't see them doing much, there are threats, but nothing specific, and the graffiti thing, well that's a problem the school has with them, not actually us. I'm not letting her go anywhere by herself. Even her dad agreed, either me, Ryan or Castle, if she leaves the house and her parents aren't with her.

I look at the clock, 8:30. She'll probably be here soon. I pull back the blankets, as much as Billie will let me, and get underneath. One thing about the basement, it's always cold. Not so fucking awesome at the end of November.

I lay here with Billie, and feel myself starting to get tired. Way too much food today, plus isn't there some chemical in turkey that's supposed to knock you out? Why fight science! I'm just going to sleep. If she comes over, she can wake me up.


Grace's POV

As I walk into Harry's room, the first thing I see is Billie, looking up at me. Then I see Harry. He's laying on his back, arms up under his head, sound asleep. Wow, even sleeping he looks amazing. I turn and shut and lock the door, then walk over to the side of the bed where Billie's laying. I take off my boots and pants, pull my sweater up over my head, and get under the blankets. I turn off the lamp and nudge Billie down to the foot of the bed so I can be next to Harry. Softly putting my head on his chest, I'm trying not to wake him. He rolls over some on his left side, pulling his right arm out from underneath his head, and laying it across me. His hair is damp and he smells fantastic. He must've showered before he fell asleep.

I close my eyes and smile. There's nowhere else I want to be, ever. What if we stay together and end up getting married eventually. Did you seriously just think that? It's not impossible! Grace Styles. Yeah, I like the sound of that.


I feel something touching me. Soft, on my lips. I open my eyes and see Harry smiling. I'm in Harry's bed. I remember coming in and getting in bed with him. I must've fallen asleep.

"Hey. I woke up with you in my arms. That's something I could get used to. Don't worry, it's only 10:00, and you still need to be home by midnight right?" He smiles again, then presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back, softly at first, but he puts his hand on my thigh and that's all it takes to get me fully awake. I reach up and push back his loose curls so I can see his eyes. He looks so hot right now.

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz