Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I meet Kodi at the locker after Home-Ec. Tay is there and Annie. They see me and rush up to hug me.

"Hey, omg I heard about you after lunch, are you ok?" Tay says hugging me tight.

"Yeah, I don't know what was wrong with me." I back away and try to put my stuff in my locker.

"You wanna come to my house today instead of going to yours?" Tay is looking down the hallway probably for Zac.

"No we're going to hang out just us today." Kodi says slamming the locker and grabbing my hand.

"Oh, ok, sorry to intrude on you two," Tay says all pissy.

"Hey she had two options today, Styles or me, and she chose me, I don't think you guys were even mentioned." Kodi says grinning.

"Wait, back up, Harry asked you to hang out, really?" Tay says shocked.

"He asked me at the end of LA if he could talk to me after school, but I said I was hanging out with Kodi. It's no big deal."

"Seriously?! No big deal! I don't believe you."

"No it's true, I was standing there waiting for her after LA, saw Styles walking over, and took that as my cue to leave." Kodi says.

"Come over later Tay, I really need to talk to Kodi about all this and then you and I can make cookies." I could eat a whole jar full right now. I'm starving from not eating lunch, thanks to Annie and her gross veggie mess.

"I don't know what I'm missing exactly, but why do you and Harry have anything to do with each other? I mean it's fun talking about him, he's tots hot, but you aren't seriously crushing on him, right Gracie? He's a total jerk!" Tay says stopping. She is right, he is a jerk, but I'm not crushing on him, am I?

Annie grabs Tay's arm, "Hey we'll see you later, you two don't have too much fun!" Tay looks confused but goes with Annie.

Kodi and I leave the school and start down Main Street towards Mini Mart. We almost always stop there when we go on walks. I get a huge slushy, mixing all the flavors, and he gets a Mt. Dew. He always buys. I never have any money. Mom keeps telling me she'll start giving us allowance but we have to prove to her that we can do our chores without being asked all the time. I hate chores. I hate the dishes most of all. I'll never get allowance.

We stop and sit on a rock at the edge of the park. I look at him and smile. "Ok, please tell me what is going on with me."

"Ok, listen, there is quite a bit to tell, it's going to probably upset you. I'll try to explain it the best I can. Stop me if you need to." Kodi says this all serious. Now I'm really starting to get nervous.

"You and Styles were friends in 5th grade. Actually BFF's is more like it. I know you probably don't believe me, but just hear me out. You can remember this on your own, you're just choosing not to Gracie. So take what I'm saying as the truth because I wouldn't lie to you." He says taking a long drink of his Mt. Dew.

"I remember only one thing about Harry in 5th grade, we were outside at recess looking at butterflies or something by the back fence. I feel like your'e right, we were close. I can't hardly believe that. He's such an ass, why would I be friends with him." I say stirring my slushy.

"He wasn't an ass in 5th grade Gracie, he was normal, nice even, and he was always there for you. The reason he is how he is now, is because of all that happened. It was too much Gracie, not just for you."

"Ok, wait, let me not get ahead of myself. You and I were friends, you remember that right? But we were just starting out, so we didn't hang out as much then."

"Yeah I remember you of course!" Harry was nice? I'm trying to imagine that.

"You guys used to walk back to his house after school, he didn't live too far from the elementary school, and your Dad would pick you up from his house when he got off from work. This was when you guys only had one car and your mom didn't have a way to pick you up." A car goes by honking, friends of Kodi's.

"One day after school you guys were hanging out behind the school near those tennis courts, close to where you say you remember looking at the butterflies. By all the milk weed right?" He says taking another drink.

"Ok, right, go on." I say. This feels familiar, but I'm not exactly remembering it.

"All the teachers had gone home and you two were the only ones there. There was a group of older kids, high school age, who were walking through the playground and they started messing with you Grace."

Kodi's looking at me, waiting to see if anything is registering. I take a deep breath and try to think about this. I don't remember, but I'm feeling something is wrong, or is going to happen, I don't know which.

"They were boys Gracie, and they were talking to you, saying things that were disgusting and mean. One of the guys grabbed you and wouldn't put you down. Do you remember any of this?" He says, seriously.

"No, but this feels bad Kodi." I say. Kodi grabs my hand and scoots closer to me.

"Styles is yelling at them to let you go, but they don't. They're just laughing. You are crying at this point. He picks up a rock and throws it at one of the guys, hitting him in the head. The guy who was holding you drops you. and then all three beat the shit out of Styles. One of the neighbors heard the screaming and called the cops. The three guys ran and you were left there alone with Styles."

I don't think I can hear anymore. This is bad, this feeling is what I had today at lunch when he was fighting with Derek. I remember being at the school crying and screaming for help, but I don't remember Harry or anything else. I am gripping Kodi's hand like if he lets go I might just shoot off into space.

"Gracie, it was bad, Styles saved you. They were really bad guys. They had hurt another girl earlier that same year, but she wouldn't talk to the cops and so nothing ever happened to them. Styles was in really bad shape, he was taken to the hospital and you didn't see him after that." Kodi releases my hand and puts his arms around me.

I am shaking. I remember being at home crying and my Mom and Dad telling me it was ok, but still nothing about Harry.

"Why, why wouldn't I see him after that?!" I can feel myself crying, tears running down my face, and such sadness inside. Why don't I remember any of this?!

"Styles was in the hospital for two months after that. When he got out, his family moved. You guys didn't see each other after he got out of the hospital. You had been so upset by all that had happened. It took that long for you to start to be like your old self. You were afraid to go to school Gracie for almost two months. You just wanted to be with him, with Harry. You hardly would leave your house. You couldn't remember what had happened, or you chose not to, and your parents were afraid, seeing Styles again would set you back." Kodi pulls away to look at me.

"Annie and I were the only ones who knew at school. Because you guys were so young, none of your names got put in the papers." Kodi is looking at me. "How are you doing with this?" He says kneeling down in front of me.

"This is all true isn't it? I feel like this is true, but I can't really remember it. It's all fuzzy you know. Like I was there watching it all take place, like when you're watching a movie. I just don't feel like it was me, except I feel the pain...the sadness. " I can't believe this happened, and yet I know it's true. I am so mad right now. How could Mom and Dad not tell me about all this?

"Don't be mad at your parents Gracie. They were just doing what they thought was best at the time. They obviously don't have a problem with you and Styles now, or they would've mentioned something right?" He reads my mind.

"My Mom and Dad have mentioned stuff, but I thought they were messing with me." I say standing up.

"Let me walk you home and you can talk to them ok? Gracie, listen to them and hear their side of the story, don't just be mad. Call me after you talk to them."

We walk back to my house and I hug Kodi tight before I walk in. I shut the door behind me and see Mom and Dad both waiting in the living room for me. Ok, I guess we'll talk now.

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