You Will Always Be Safe As Long As I'm Here ~ Crowley

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     As lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, I saw a familiar figure come into view.
     "I believe they're playing my song," his deep voice caught my attention. He smirked at Sam and I. As always, he was dressed fully in black and had a small amount of hair on his chin and upper lip. "Love what you've done with the place. Did you really think all that was gonna keep me out forever?" He was referring to the many demon signs that Sam had spray painted onto the doors and windows of the building.
     "At least long enough for Dean and Cas to get the tablet and get out," Sam spoke up as I stood and watched Crowley's every move. I didn't want him to pull something and hurt either Sam or I. Despite being a demon, I was becoming attached to the Winchester boys.
     "Castiel. So, that's who's been poking my boys, and not in a sexy way," as he spoke, I scoffed; of course he would make a joke, "Got a bone to pick with you, moose. After what you did to my poor dog."
     "You gonna talk us to death or get down to it already?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. Crowley looked my up and down; I knew he liked it when I stood like this. You see, I had quite a past with the King of Hell. But that tale is for another time.
     "There you are. I'm not here for my dearly departed, though. I'm here for the stone with the funny scribbles on it."
     "Well that's not going to happen," I shot back, not even wavering under his gaze.
     "Love it when you get all tough. Touches me right where my bathing suit goes," he smirked. I couldn't help but smirk back. Sam looked as though he was about to vomit. I turned to Sam.
     "Go; save your brother," I said to him. Immediately, he went into the building, leaving Crowley and me alone. As soon as the door closed, Crowley spoke.
     "Did Timon and Pumbaa tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the gates of hell, Amara. They mean to kill me and all the demons; you included."
     "You treat me like a child Crowley; of course I know. They wouldn't give a shit if I was killed right here and now," I walked around him in a circle. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin the whole way. "What about you, Crowley? Do you care? Or do you plan on using that knife that you have in your jacket?"
     He remained silent, with that infamous smirk on his lips, "You don't miss a thing, do you, darling?"
     "I miss a few things," I spoke as I approached him slowly, "I miss the way it used to be. I miss always knowing my next move," I was using the word 'miss' in a different context as him, but I didn't care. I lowered my voice, "I miss you."
     He closed the space between us, holding me tightly by the waist. Tightly, but not enough to hurt me. He held me like he was trying to protect me, but he and I both knew it would take a lot more then that to protect me. I rested my hands on his shoulders, bringing them down to his chest.
     "And I, you, darling," he replied, staring straight into my eyes. For the King of Hell, they were surprisingly warm. Not warm as in the fiery pits of hell; I mean warm as in soft, kind, and gentle. Three things that no one knew the King of Hell could be, except for me.
     "Do you think this will ever be over?"
     "I don't know; all I know is that you will always be safe as long as I am here," he responded, placing his hand on the side of my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
     "You can't always protect me, love. You know that; I know that." He placed a soft, lingering kiss on my cold lips, warming them instantly. I could feel his stubble against my skin. He pulled back.
     "But I can try."

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