As Long as I'm Here, You'll Never be Alone ~ Sam Winchester

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    "Lexy!" I could faintly hear Sam's frantic voice, before all sound faded and I let myself go.

     I sat up slowly, hopping off the hospital bed. My back felt stiff. In fact, my whole body did. I went out into the hall, clad in a white t-shirt and blue hospital pants. No one was out there.
     "Sam? Sammy?" I called out, looking around, "Dean? John? Anybody?" I walked around, until I finally found a secretary. "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident. My friends and their dad were with me and I just need to find them."
     She acted as if I wasn't even there. I snapped my fingers in front of her face, but still, nothing happened. A wave of realization hit me and I rushed back to my room. There I saw my mangled body. There were tubes hooked up to my mouth. Without them I would be dead.
     I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I soon saw Sam's figure enter my room.
     "Sammy," I said, relieved that he was alright. I tried to talk to him, but he couldn't hear me. Eventually, the doctor came in, announcing that Dean and John were okay.
     "What about Lexy?" he asked hesitantly.
     "Well, she sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to her liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema," the doctor replied.
     "What can we do?" Sam immediately questioned.
     "Well, we won't know her full condition until she wakes up," he then added, "if she wakes up.
     "If?" Sammy looked heartbroken.

     I stood there, watching as John, Dean and Sam fought. I couldn't take it anymore.
     "Stop it!" I smacked the glass of water off John's tray. It fell to the floor and smashed. "Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that thing," I looked at the three men, watching as they looked around. Suddenly, I couldn't breath. I felt myself fading.
     The next thing I knew, I was watching the doctors try to revive me. A white misty creature, one I had seen earlier that day, was floating above my body.
     "You get the hell away from me!" I yelled at it. It didn't respond. "I said get back!" I grabbed onto it for a moment, but it threw me against the wall and disappeared. I saw that Sam had an odd look on his face. Maybe he had heard me! I didn't think anymore of it as I ran out the door, looking for that thing
     When I couldn't find it, I returned to Sam, who had tears running down his cheeks. "Don't worry, Sammy. I'm not going anywhere," I assured him, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. He looked in my direction, right into my eyes actually, but I knew he couldn't see me.

     I saw Sam enter my room, clutching a paper bag in his hands. He started to talk to me.
     "Hey," he was pretty awkward, "I think maybe you're around. And if you are, don't make fun of me for this, but um, well, there's one way we can talk." From the bag he removed a box labeled "Mystical Talking Board".
     He sat on the floor and set it up. I soon joined him, placing my hands on the game piece just like he did.
     "Alright, Sammy. I hope this works."
     "Lexy, are you here?" Sam asked, looking around. I tried to move the piece towards 'yes'. I grinned as it moved and so did Sam. "It's good to hear from you, Lex. It hasn't been the same without you."
     "Damn straight," I replied, smirking. I moved the board piece, trying to spell out 'hunt'. Sam repeated the letters as I pointed them out.
     "Are you hunting?" he asked, trying to understand. I moved it towards 'yes'. "Lexy, it's in the hospital? What you're hunting - do you know what it is?"
     "One question at a time, Sammy," I muttered.
     "What is it?" I spelled out the conclusion I had come up with, explaining as I went along, even though it was only heard by me. "A reaper?" he paused, "is it after you?" I swallowed hard, moving the piece to 'yes'. I let go of the game, not wanting to continue. "If it's here naturally, there's no way to stop it." I already knew, of course. I was screwed. "No. No, no, no, um, there's gotta be a way," he tried to convince both me and himself as he stood, "Dad and Dean will know what to do." Without another word, he left the room, leaving me all alone again.

     Soon, he came back and sat on my bed, grabbing one of my hands. He had John's journal in his other hand. He flipped through it, still clutching my hand.
     "Neither of them were in their rooms, but I got Dad's journal, so who knows? Maybe there's something here." He looked so hopeful.
     "Thanks for not giving up on me, Sammy." I brushed my hand against his cheek, caressing it. He shied away, but eventually accepted it.

     "Lex are you here? I couldn't find anything in the book," Sam said as he stood by my bedside, "I don't know how to help you. But I'll keep trying, all right? As long as you keep fighting. I mean, come on you can't, you can't leave me here alone. Sure I'll have Dad and Dean, but they don't understand me like you do. They don't get it."
     All of a sudden, I wasn't with Sam. I was in another room with the yellow eyed demon. He cave me an evil look.
     "Today's your lucky day, kid." He placed his hand on my forehead and the next thing I knew, I was in my body, choking on the damn tubes that the nurses had shoved down my throat.

     The Doctor was holding his clipboard, talking to Sam and I. Sam was standing beside me, while I was propped up in the hospital bed. He once again was holding my hand in his. It was comforting. It was better than the last time; this time I could actually feel the warmth, not just imagine it.
     "I can't explain it. The edema's vanished. The internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You have some kind of angel watching over you," the Doctor told us.
     "Thanks Doc," I replied, clutching Sammy's hand tighter. The doctor left. It was just Sam and I.
     "Do you remember anything that happened while you were out?"
     "Not really. I mean, there are bits and pieces, but I can only remember a few things clearly," I replied, looking down at myself. I felt awful, but then again, what else can be expected?
     "Can you tell me what's clear?" he questioned, sitting on the edge of the bed.
     "I remember what you were saying to me before I came back," I thought hard, "I remember being alone."
     "Well, you aren't alone anymore, Lex. I promise," Sam told me. He leaned in, then gently placed his lips on mine, acting as if I was going to break if he did something wrong. I kissed back, placing my free hand on the back of his neck, moving it to his face and tracing his jaw.
     "Neither are you, Sammy. As long as I'm here, you'll never be alone."

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