Coffee Shop Jealousy (Ross)

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You watched him over the rim of your coffee cup, sitting with Rachel as they talked continuously, before someone nudged you to get your attention away from the happy couple.

"Everything alright, ____?" Monica asked.

You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest in an upset manner. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

She glanced between where you were staring and back at the table that was a distance away from where you usually sat.

"Because you aren't sitting with us."

You nodded. "Maybe I needed some alone time."

Monica tilted her head to the side as if she understood what you were going through. She didn't even need the words to help you understand what she was trying to get across to you.

"Okay, it's Ross and Rachel. Is that what you wanted to hear?" You asked, watching her sit down across from you.

She leaned over the table, taking your hand and shaking it a little as she talked to you.

"I know things seem like they've hit rock bottom right now but have you met Rachel? I mean, she's over dramatic at the little things and something could easily happen. Then, he's available and you could swoop in to get him."

You glanced at Ross who sat with a cup of coffee in hand, talking very animatedly to Rachel who seemed very interested in the conversation.

"You think so?"

Monica nodded.

"I know so."

You let out a sigh, a hopeful one, as you took the coffee mug in your hand and followed Monica back over to your original seat, with the thought of Ross having a chance to be yours in the back of your mind.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora