The Unknown- Part Sixty Six

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Zayn- "I love you Rose."

Rosie- "I love you too. Zayn what is going on?"

Zayn- "Just know that I am so sorry." 

Rosie looked at Zayn confused. She watched him walk back to the front room. She followed him. He silently picked up his bag and walked out of the cottage and to his car. He placed his suitcase in the boot and then walked round to the driver's side of the car. Rosie dropped her cup of tea, realising that Zayn was going to leave without saying anything. She ran to Zayn's side as he opened the car door. Zayn shook his head and pulled his hand away from hers. Rosie tried to grab him again but Zayn got into the car. He closed the door and Rosie slammed her fists against the car window. Zayn started the car and looked at Rosie and mouthed 'I love you' before driving off and leaving Rosie standing outside the cottage. 

Rosie ran back into the cottage and threw herself onto the sofa and put her head into a pillow before screaming. Her mind was asking a variety of questions, none that she had an answer for. At the main house Zayn had seemed fine with everyone else and they all seemed to be having a great time, but as soom as they left he changed and then he just left. Rosie laid on the sofa crying for the rest of the night.

Three days later Imy, Rosie, Louise and Courtney were meant to be going shopping for some girly time, as they boys were looking after the children, they planned on taking them to a play area that they had hired out for a few hours. Courtney arrived at the house and her, Imy and Louise all waited for Rosie. They were meant to meet at the house at midday, it was now half one. 

Imy- "Has someone tried ringing her?"

Louise- "I have, twice. Her phone is off."

Courtney- "Shall we just go round and see what is going on?" 

Louise and Imy agreed and they all got into Louise's car and drove to the cottage. From outside everything looked normal apart from the missing car, but everyone thought that was just because Zayn had gone out. Courtney got out of the car and approached the door. She knocked twice, but there was still no answer. Courtney peered into the cottage, through the window, to see if she could see anyone, however the place looked empty.Courtney got back into the car and told everyone that she thought the cottage was empty. 

Imy- "Maybe she forgot. Someone ring Zayn." 

Louise, Imy and Courtney all got out of the car, it was a really hot day, too hot to sit in a car waiting. Louise got her phone out of her bag and started to dial Zayn's number, but there was a loud bang from inside the cottage and someone screaming. Louise quickly hung up and the three girls quickly ran to the door. They banged on the door but no-one answered. Worried, Courtney rang Harry and told him to come to the cottage quickly. Harry and Louise agreed to come over as soon as they could. 

When they arrived Courtney explained everything and they both looked at each confused. Harry tried to open the door but it wouldn't move. He grabbed a rock from the floor and smashed the window next to the door, which allowed him to put his hand through and open the door from inside. Once the door was open they all ran into the cottage and everything was trashed. Everyone was confused and shocked. They started walked around the cottage, looking for whoever screamed. Imy and Louise found Rosie in the bathroom, washing blood off of her hands. Imy looked at Louise confused, and Louise carefully approached Rosie.

Louise- "Rose?" 

Rosie quickly spun around, a smashed photo frame in one hand and the other hand was covered in blood. She dropped the frame and ran up to Louise and burst into tears. Louise hugged Rosie and waited for her to calm down before leading her back to the front room and sitting her down. Imy grabbed Rosie a glass of water and handed it to her, while Louis banaged up her hand and made sure that it wouldn't get infected. Once Rosie calmed down, everyone sat around her and looked at her questioningly. She sighed and placed the glass down, on the coffee table that Harry had picked back up. 

The Unknown. One Direction and JLS fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora