The Unknown- Part Sixty Five.

Start from the beginning

Louise- "This weather is so nice."

Aston- "I know. It isn't too hot, but it isn't too cold."  

Louise suddenly jumped up screaming. 

Louise- "THERE IS A BEE!!!!!!" 

Aston- "Louise sit down!" 

Aston could tell that Louise was drawing attention to them. Louise sat down as soon as the bee flew away. 

Meanwhile Imy, Niall and Noah had gone to Niall's family's house for dinner. 

Rosie and Zayn were at their cottage getting ready for an evening out; they had been invited to the local Louis Vuitton fashion show. Rosie was in the bathroom applying her make up, while Zayn was in the kitchen ironing his shirt. 

Zayn- "ROSIEEEEE!"  

Zayn shouted up, and instead of coming down Rosie shouted back. 

Rosie- "WHAT?"




After having enough of the shouting, Rosie come down the stairs to see Zayn stood in the kitchen with the iron in one hand and him looking confused at his burnt shirt, that he was holding in the other hand. 

Rosie- "Look just get another shirt out of the wardrobe, one that is already ironed and you will be fine."

Zayn- "Okay, I don't know why I didn't just do that in the first place to be honest."

Rosie- "I don't know either."

Zayn- "How long until it starts?"

Rosie- "2 hours until the interviews, runway starts at 6."

Zayn- "Shit, I best get ready. Oh you look beautiful by the way!" 

Rosie thanked Zayn and she got her phone off of the side and called the car service that was supposed to be coming to pick them up, in half an hour. They confirmed the car and after that Rosie went back upstairs to get her dress on. She slowly opened their bedroom door to see Zayn standing topless, looking in the mirror. Rosie swung the door open, causing it to bang against the wall. Zayn quickly turned around, grabbing the shirt off of the bed and putting it on. 

Rosie- "I am sure I married someone gay!"

Zayn- "What are you talking about?"

Rosie- "I saw you standing there with your shirt off, checking yourself out."

Zayn- "And you're complaining because?"

Rosie- "I am just saying I have married someone that loves themselves a bit."

Zayn- "Yeah and so did I." 

Rosie- "Shhhh you." 

They started laughing and shouting abuse at each other, in a joking way. Zayn finally walked out of the room, leaving a kiss on Rosie's forehead. There was a beep outside, the pair of them realised that they were messing about for half an hour. They ran around the house getting everything together and then they got in the car. 

Driver- "Are we ready?"

Rosie- "I think so."

Rosie and Zayn shortly arrived at the Louis Vuitton fashion show; they were shown where they had to go. They were led into a room that was already full of famous faces and models, Rosie led the way with Zayn leading behind. They were led over to the interviewers and they were questioned for a while, Rosie was loving it, because she loves fashion shows and talking about fashion. However Zayn loves to look good but he doesn’t enjoy talking about fashion as much as Rosie. He left her to it while he went and sat outisde, before the show started. To his dislike an interviewer followed him to where he was sitting and started asking him questions that weren’t related to fashion. Zayn told them many times that he wasn’t answering personal questions but they wouldn’t listen so he went over to Rosie and told her that he was going to wait at the runway for her, in their seats. Rosie just agreed not really focusing on what he was saying and carried on talking with the interviewer. Zayn went outside and lit up a cigarette, before going to their seats, to help him to calm down. He didn’t know why he was getting so angry; he was only asked a few questions.

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