Through The Dark

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Through The Dark

Chapter Twenty-Five: We Are Young

It's been almost a week now with no more blocked calls from my dark past. I was still terrified everyday. Every time my phone buzzed or rang I would jump. Finn and I were just friends and he was really helping with this whole situation. He made me feel safe and comfortable. It was a nice feeling. It was hard not to kiss Finn when he was next to me but, I knew I couldn't be in a relationship right now.

It was Saturday afternoon and Finn is taking me bowling. He said I needed to get my mind off things for awhile... I agree with him. My dad's know we are just friends now and they are starting to warm up to Finn since they actually got to talk with each other. I think they realized what a great guy he truly was. Was I still angry about the whole Quinn thing? Well of course but, Finn was such a nice, gentle guy who really actually cares about me and I couldn't thank him enough.

Finn and I were at the bowling place and we were getting our bowling shoes. The lady put the shoes on the counter, "Thank you..." I smiled taking the shoes and walking over to our alley. Finn followed a little after me with his clown shoes. "Your feet are so big!" I giggled. He laughed, "Well your feet are tiny!" I tied the laces, "I think they are cute." I smiled. "Well I think so too!" Finn smiled getting up, "Let's bowl!" I hopped up. "I'm about to kick your ass!" I grabbed the lightest ball, still struggling to pick it up. "Show me what you got Berry!" He said patting me on the back. I took a deep breath before swinging the ball back and letting go. Straight into the gutter it went. I frowned and heard Finn chuckle a little. I turned around with my hands on my hips, "Are you laughing at me?" I gave him a glare. "Never! Let me help you Rach." He got up and helped position me. His touch felt so good. So real. I put the ball down and turned towards Finn. "I think I know what the real prize is here..." I said looking into his eyes and kissing him. He was in shock that I was kissing him, but he kissed back and put his hands on my waist. I am young. I should live my life and not be afraid of it. Finn and I... we are in love and we are young.

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