Through The Dark

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Through The Dark
Chapter Eleven: Faithfully
I stood at my locker Monday morning barley able to keep my eyes open. I stayed up most of the night on the phone with Finn. I grabbed my books as someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I obviously knew who it was but, still jumped a bit. I was still getting used to the whole having a boyfriend thing. I turned toward Finn and smiled, "Hello..." I muttered. He looked me in the eyes, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Just really tired... I couldn't stop talking to you last night." I smiled. "I loved talking to you last night too." Finn did his half smile and kissed the top of my head. I blushed and shut my locker as he took my hand and walked me to class.

I told Finn that I loved to sing on the phone last night and he insisted during lunch we would go to the auditorium so he could hear me. I agreed to it because, I wanted to show off my talent but, now I'm just really nervous. I haven't sang in such a long time. I kind of lost my interest after that terrible night in NYC. Finn makes me happy though, so I am starting to regain the interest of singing and the interest of living my life, instead of being afraid of it. I stood on the stage nervously waiting for Finn to come. He walked in and starting clapping, "Woohoo! Rachel Berry!" I smiled, "I haven't even done anything yet!" He took a seat in the front row right in the center. "I know... but I know you'll be amazing..." He smiled. I smiled back and blushed. "We can only hope..." I said quietly before starting the music.

I was singing the song, "People" by my true idol, the one and only Barbra Streisand. It felt amazing to be up on the stage, the lights in my face, the music in my ears. I always put a lot of emotion into my performance when I sing. I sang the last note and did a dramatic pause before coming back to real life. I looked at Finn, his mouth was to the floor. "Did I do okay?" I asked shyly and shrugged. He stood up and clapped, "SPECTACULAR Rachel... God... I knew you would be good but I wasn't expecting you to be a that good... You truly are a star." He smiled. I smiled brightly and put a piece of hair behind my ear. "Thank you so much Finn..." I hopped down from the stage and hugged onto Finn. "I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you." He smiled brightly. "I'm feel even luckier that I found you." Finn rubbed my back. We had each other... Faithfully.

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