Stahl x Reader

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Yeah I'm still obsessed with Dan and Phil. Also in extreme pain and I'm lonely and emotional so here have a oneshot. WE CAN BE IN PAIN TOGETHER! The video is just to get me in a better mood btw.

No. No not yet. Stahl, you didn't get to say


By the time he pushed through the crowd you were already gone, never to be seen again. Dead. You took the fell dragon Grima out with your own hand ending it all for everyone. But the cost was your life.

You had a beautiful husband and a beautiful son named Morgan. You needed to say goodbye. Or else you couldn't die happy. A final kiss to seal everything would have been nice. A few last words. 

But no

You're gone


Stahl had never been the same without you. It has been years, seven to Be precise, since you sacrificed yourself. Everyone moved on. Everyone has a normal life. Everyone except Morgan and Stahl.

Morgan's glrifriend, Cynthia does everything she can to cheer him up but it hardly ever works. But when it does and she sees his old smile it make sure not only her day, but Stahl's. But the amount of misery Morgan felt was nothing compared to Stahl's.

You were his everything. You meant the world to stahl and to just throw away your life like that? No. It was for the greater good. But then... why couldn't he get to you fast enough? Maybe he could have found a way. Maybe just maybe... even a final kiss would have been enough.

His lips long for you. His arms craving your body to hold in them. He wanted nothing more than to hug you tight to him, listen to your heartbeat, stroke your hair, and give you the most passionate kiss ever.

Passion, he still had loads of that leftover. He missed you so much. He needed you, or he'd feel empty. Heck, he's stopped eating so much. He's stopped his hobby of being an apothecary. He stopped everything he was supposed to do with his life. Everything was just out on hold until Youd come back, and there was no garuntee you would.

Hisnfriends thought he would have moved on, but no. He and Morgan are extremely clingy to you. You were the one who tied them all together. Without you, your family was just in shambles. Stahl didn't know how to be a good parent, and Morgan didn't know what to do without you. Both of them were depressed. The absence of you had a great impact on their mental health.

Morgan gave up on that childish hope you'd come home. He gave up on being that optimistic son you knew And loved. He matured quick and lost all emotion. He was like a lifeless Risen if Morgan but without the creepy bits, to Henry's dismay.

Stahl stopped leaving the house. He ate once a day, and that was a very small meal. He was skinny and malnourished, but he refused to eat. You always made the best food. You always would eat together. He stopped sleeping. It became impossible without you in his arms like his own personal teddy bear. He never took off your coat. Now he was skinnier it fit him. It was the knee momento other than his own son that you left behind.

Sumia would come over with Cynthia and try to urge Stahl to get a grip, if sumia didn't come over Stahl would forget to eat. But times were getting very serious. Sumia began bringing other friends to help Stahl out, and their kids for Morgan.

It was insane life's was like this. Stahl actually thoughts of ending it all just to see you. But what if it was true? That you were somewhere and just finding your way home? That's you were scattered so far you got lost? That's you just needed time?

Well Stahl had all the time in the world to wait. But until then, he was a miserable pile of bones with skin barely covering them. Until then, Morgan would be the lifeless shell he morphed into. Until then, they would remain miserable.

If I made anyone cry raise your hand. If so I did my job.


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