Shura x Reader

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SECOND TO LAST REQUEST BY NdragonEyes and then one more for KawaiiKitteh2017YT so I'm close. Then I have the drawings for NdragonEyes which I've done one but I still need the other one done. I'm still sick but I took DayQuil so I should be doing better soon. Plus my mom's getting Chic-Fil-A for lunch so YEET.

You were using a bronze knife you stole from Felicia (she didn't need it because she has her plate) to cut a branch into a stake. Why? You didn't know yourself. You just felt like cutting something.

You heard a rustle in the bushes and looked up. You saw the adventurer himself there. No not Niles! Shura. He was staring at you. You were a Bow Knight class, you could have also been an adventurer but you decided against it. Besides riding a horse was fun! 

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing?"

"I asked first."

You sternly said to Shura, still doing your task of making that branch for sh sharpest Hong in the universe.

"I was coming to check on you. You're the only ally who gets me, you know?"

You nodded. You were the only person in this army who could understand all the stuff Shura did in his life. Your Aunt and Uncle loved in Kohga. You'd visit at least five times a year from your home in Nestra. When the invasion happened your Aunt And Uncle were killed. Then at the destruction of Crykenskia your parents were killed. You vowed your Vengance on both Mokkushu and on the invisible soldiers.

"Alright. And you asked what I was doing?"


"Blowing off steam."

Shura nodded. He understood what made you tick. Thinking about either country made your blood boil and you just needed to cut something. And it used to be your wrists but Shura aight you. It's progress. Not using your wrists but a piece of wood. Hey it's still progress.

"As long as you aren't cutting yourself I'm good."

You nodded at him and he sat next to you. You finished making the stake sharp you set up a target when you go to there. You threw the wooden stake at the bullseye and it stuck in there, probally penetrating the target. 


"Good shot."


You two didn't need many words. You just enjoyed the company of someone's else who onew your anguish. Shura probally dittoed that feeling. It was mutual.

"Hey (Your name)?"


"What's if we could rebuild Kohga? And we'd rule it."

You smiled at the idea.

"After the war and we bring Mokkushu to the ground we'd rebuild Kohga?"

Having that place back in your heart would mean the world to you. With Shura Ash the king it would work. But who would his queen be? You didn't entirely hear him out.

"Yeah! Would you?"

"Hell yeah!"

You grinned for the first time in forever. Oh if you Only I New What's he mentioned before. His hand went up to your cheek.

"Then let us begin planning, my Queen."

Wat. That was totally OOC. My bad.


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