Siegbert x Reader

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I'm sorry this took forever! Good thing I woke up extra early to get it done! Ha ha...ha...ha..... Help me.

You looked around at the gardens of the new and improved Castle Krakenburg. Ever since Garon was overthrown the world wasn't better for everyone. All Nohrians, all Hoshidans, and all of other countries. 

King Xander had married during the war and his son had returned from the deeprelm, just like you to your mother Beruka. Your father died during the war but you inherited your mother's lack of emotions and also we're a skilled hitman.

You were given the honor over ignatius to become the retainer to the one and only Lord Siegbert, future king of Nohr. He was thenhigh Prince a and respectable man. You liked tomwork under him. You felt some sort of sensation when around him. Feeling perhaps? Who knew.

But you sat in the gardens, calm taking over your body. A single dark black lily on your hand. It was one of the pitch black ones. You planter a lot of the flowers in the Nohrian gardens to give the castle a nice touchy. Of course, others of the staff helped you create it like Ophelia, Nina, and Soleil but you put in each flower. The mix of black and white monochrome Lillie's symmetrical on both sides was something you thought demonstrated the new unity of the Nohr-Hoshido alliance. Each flower patch had a symbol and a meaning. Liek the center of the crimson red and the dark purples with blacks showcasing the horrible past of the dark and gloomy Kingdom, spreading out in more bright and vivid colors as the future draws nearer.

Back to reality. You sat and twirled the lily by the stem where you sat. You sense a presence approaching so you take a dagger in hand ready to attack in case someone decided to ambush you. In a flash of an instant you pinned down the blonde man who was seemingly approaching you. Your eyes widened in shock and you immediately got off of him realizing it was your lord.

"Milord! Forgive me I-"

"No no, (Your name). I shouldn't have snuck up on you. My apologies. I forgot how superb your reflexes are."

He smiled. That smile made soemthing in your chest pound and a warmth spread from your bosom down all the way to the tip so of your toes and up to the tip of your scalp. What was this? You felt this almost every time seeing the man. It made you long to see him more. You reach your hand down to him and he takes it graciously. You help him stand and he notices the black lily you set down.

"Oh? Are you practicing flower divination? It's a good hobby but it kills the flowers. But it's nice to see you taking up something that makes you content."

You felt a heat rising in your cheeks and you grabbed the fully intact black lily. You twirled it to yourself before replying to your liege.

"I was just pondering to myself And thinking about how far the Kingdom has come since Garon's tyranny."

Siegbert nodded in understanding. The garden bench you were sitting on just beforehand had enough room for two people. He led you over there's and you took a seat once more. Siegbert sat down right next to you and you just twirled the flower as if you were fidgeting.

"(Your name), I know I ask you often but... What do you think makes a great King?"

Siegbert always had been seldom conscious about his role. He always anted to be perfect and wanted to be the king Nohr's deserves. He didn't want to mess up and fall into insanity like he who shall not be named.

"Well, Milord. Everything you are. Your morals are all in the right place and your heart is for the people. You're striving to become better for the sake of your kingdom and I belive a good leader puts their people first. That's precisely what you do, Milord. There is no need for change."

He just stared at the flower twirling in between your fingertips. He nodded slowly before asking another question that took you a little off guard. 

"Then what do you belive makes a good queen?"

You felt the unfamiliar heat rising in your cheeks once more. Eyes darting downwards as if the ground held the answers, you let your words speak for themselves and reach he prince who made you feel this way.

"Someone who has a big heart to match Youre and understands your morals. Someone who matches your kindness for your people yet bring some discipline to the kingdom, since thst is the factor you lack. When time comes sometimes drastic measures are needed. You need someone calm to counteract your sometimes more frantic and panicked nature when your composure slips."

Without you taking it into consideration, Siegbert was looking directly at you as you were talking to the ground. But you weren't talking to the ground. You were talking to him. Siegbert was taking in the flaw you were talking about. He couldn't be mean or assertive even if he tried. He needed someone else to do thst for him. And he knew the perfect woman for the Job.

"You mean... Someone like you?"

You shot uo and managed to meet his eyes. Siegbert had planned this all along. He took one hand into his pocket and the other hand he clasped in your own. You couldn't look away from his eyes as he flipped the velvet box open with his pointer to reveal the royal ring of Nohr.

"(Your name), you have served me as my royal retainer for quite some time now. I've grown awfully fond of you. Our difference balance eachtoher out and our similarities make us stronger. Please, won't you rule Nohr with me?"

Something wet ran down your cheek. What was this? A tear? Doesn't this happen when you're supposed to be sad? Then why do you feel the warmth when you are around him multiplied to a factor of seventy five quadrillion? Maybe even more?

"I don't understand...."

You muttered. This worried the highness prince.

"...Don't understand?"

There was a pause before you could put this into words.

"If what I'm feeling inside is 'happy', why am I crying?"

Siegbert didn't need to worry anymore. He took the ring and placed it onto your finger. He leaned in and kissed the tear away, causing your face to heat up like in never dead before. He took both of his hands and entwined them into your own.

"They're happy tears, love. Don't worry, I promise to stay by your side And be the Prince you want me to be."

He leaned in and kissed you passionately on the lips. You had so much to learn about 'love'. But what Siegbert said was true. You both covered eachother's weaknesses. You're weakness was lack of emotion and his was lack of assertiveness.

Nohr would have the perfect pair of a king and queen.

OMG this was so fun to write even though it's more heartfelt than normal. I kinda based this off of an old OC I made. I hope you enjoyed this!!!


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