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Yeah, I have been really quiet today And yesterday.

*peridot voice* allow me to explain:

I've been thinking up ideas for great fire e,bleh fan fictions and stories to make about those characters. Like I did with the Libra Thing. I made a new main unit in Awakening and I developed her into a character, thus giving her her own fanfic

Back in my immature days of google plus I had the title of an OC generator. I'd make OCs and just leave them. Sometimes I would make little short posts about them in a community and leaves it at that. I did this for mainly fire emblem and Pokémon.

Essentially I would create OCs for the sole purpose of creating a perfect suitor for a character. Amoura I made for Libra as a perfect example. There are some OCs files I still have to this day, like an old Character Mai I made for Seigbert and Momoka I made for Shiro. Momoka is highly similar to Amoura and Makoto while Mai was similar to Saizo and Jakob. I actually made stories for them before I deleted my account. One Shots for that character.

Those are the most memorable ones I Had. I also would create ones based entirely off of songs like I made a girl named Yuki based off of a song called Snow White Princess from vocaloid. That is, before I learned the true meaning of the song.

I would take pictures of the sprite for the character since their class didn't match the icon and I would make separate google accounts for them. It was honestly kinda weird and I wish to forget that, but it was a huge part of my roleplaying days which are sadly over.


the reason why I'm ranting about all this is because I'm having ideas like those again for really good fanfics. Just like with who lives who dies who tells your story [Libra x OC] and the Rosanne one I don't feel like spelling out because I'm lazy.

I have quite a few actually and if I knew how to make a poll I would. But since I can't on this site I will just explain a few ideas and have you comment what I should do. I have more ideas than just five options anyways. 

Formatting for this: title in bold, game and generation in italics, the description (ammount of OCs compared to normal characters or of there are any OCs in all in parenthesis with italics.)

Got it? Then allow me to showcase some really cool ideas for fanfictions. If you want to do one yourself just go ahead and ask me and I will give you permission to identify the idea. I will then update this page to show that you have claimed the idea. But I need to grant permission. 

Also beware, a lot of these are for second gen Fates because I can't get enough of those characters. The second gen Fates HAS to be my fave! Except the literal remakes of awakening characters. Other than them I love the cast! Maitama is SO relatable!

I also only do Gen Two because gen one makes it seem like im just adding another character to the main story And it's kinda unneeded.


The Mad King Of Nohr. Fates generation two. Seigbert has taken on the Hinor fo becoming king when reaching the age of twenty. He has to take on his father's role early because he wanted to settle down with his wife safely. Running Nohr was stressful, for the aftermath of the famous Nohr/Hoshidan War was still lingering. Anakos's death couldn't be spoken to the people so a web of lies was agreed upon in all kingdoms. Some friends in Valla away, Seigbert is letting stress get to him. He is slowly not becoming himself and feels like it's too much. He wants to break. He wants to just leave, die, or get angry. He gets conflicted and he starts growing mad. It's like he can't even feel himself anymore. Like he said possed. Like he became Garon all over again. (Nohrian castle staff being a few OCs but not much compared to the normal cast.)

Grima's Return. Awakening Generation Two. Robin decides not to sacrifice himself and puts Grima alseep for another one hundred years. Or so they thought. Robin is assasinated by a group of surviving grimeal after the war and I think leads to Grima waking up once more. With Grima reawakened and the first generation in no state to fight, Lucina must gather her friends and protect her haildom no matter the cost. She will not fail no matter how many times Fate tries to kill her father. She refused. (A few soldiers as OCs but not too many.)

The Fall Of Kohga. Fates //undefined\\ The invasion of Kohaga by Mokushu leading to the fall of the nation. Shura and his friends fight off the other ninja as best as they can but are overpowered. Shura manages to escape along with a few stragglers, but their home ultimately falls and becomes annexed Into the invading country. (A hecka lot of OCs)

A Frozen Heart. Fates Generation two. The Ice ribeye has become independent again after many years of consulting and going through legal actions to make it official. The daughter of Flora, the tribe's leader, now has a terrible problem. She is coming up to rule along side of her brother and she isn't the best of leaders. She stays to herself and is often found in the sheer cold with barely anything on, just watching the blizzards shift with wind direction. She doesn't talk much and she's often alone. Her brother is ultimately decided official chief and she congradualtes him. She leaves that very night, thinking she is no longer neededsince there is no debate on fin she becomes the leader or not. She finds a home in Nohr's heart, windmire. She makes her home above ground rather than below where Nohr truely shines. She likes being alone. But what happens when a soldier finds her and brings her to the castle for not owning the property she lives on? (Almost everyone is an OC except Flora and the Nohrians.)

The Gods Above/Red String of Fates. Fates Generation Two. The new duchess of Izumo is Izana's daughter. She is an only child because she was adopted by Izana. He dies during a fortune telling and she has to step up and take her irresponsible father's place in the kingdom. Years pass and Izana is still as happy and nuetral as always. Well, everyone except the Duchess. She always pretends to Ben happy for her people but she's really sad on the inside. That's when a group of Hoshidans ask to pass by and she grants them a place to stay. She grows rather close to one of them and she asks him to stay a while. Sadly, he can't. She is now sadder than ever when he leaves. After a while she consults the gods about this and the gods tell her that he wasn't her soulmate. The gods bestow to her the little red string of fate to prove it. Now She has a choice to follow her fste or continue her destiny. The Destiny of ruling Izumo.

Nestra's Gray Waves. Fates gen two. Nestra rebuilds it's capital and becomes a well renowned kingdom once more where people genuinely love to be. Everyhting is peaceful like normal and visitors from far and wide would visit as they please. Performers love their job and work togetherness in harmony for their shows when a mysterious guest catches the eye of one of the performers. She seeks him out but is nowhere to be found until she spots him in the forest singing. She compliments him and asks if he can contribute to the next show. He obliges after much persuasion by not only her, but her entire troupe. He joins their troupe after a while with a happy new life in Nestra. (Literally everyone is an OC but one dude. Literally.)

Home or Prison? Awakening gen two. The kingdom of Plegia had always been this way. Cold, bitter, and grimeal. It was a surprise anybody wanted to live here. Our main character certainly did not. Even after Validar and Gangrel we're bith dead, she hated her home but couldn't flee due to unapproving, noble parents and insufficient funds. So what did she do? She fought her way out and ran with everything she could to escape Plegia. She arrives in Yilsee and is found by the Shepards. They see her and they instantly know she's Plegian by her looks. She doesn't try to foght her and tries to explain everything. Many don't trust her yet though a few do. Including a sprightly young boy named Morgan who wants her to join the Shepards. It all felt so vague to him, yet so right. Lucina was reluctant but ultimately couldn't resist his puppy eyes. So now she was a Shepard with Risen to fight everywhere. But what happens when their friendly neighbors aren't so neighborly anymore? (Main character is one of the only OCs)

The last option is none and this can go two ways.

Give up and stop this/ just write More one Shots


Keep thinking. I don't like these ideas but I'm sure you can think of a good one!

Comment the title you want me to do. Trust me, I will still update but when I get requests or when I'm in the mood. 

I love you all!

Internet hugs, blow kisses, and prayers to Naga,


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