Jakob x Reader

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Okay, I don't like Jakob. I really don't. But I was web surfing Dwyer images and came across this and I was like "Yep, I need to write this image as a one shot"so here we are baby! STORYTIME!

You anemic your beloved youngest son, Kana, stood in front of your husband. It was the day of sugary sweets and cheating your diet to snack on all the chocolate your significant other buys you. Yep, it's Valentine's day my dudes.

So there you were, Kana by your side staring up at Jakob. Dwyer was off somewhere giving cookies to his precious Velouria (you helped bake them earlier btw) and Jakob made a massive pile of Maracons.


"Please Papa."

The two of you were like peas in a pod. Kana was definatley your child. You both had one similar quality that could get you anything you desired. Them big old puppy eyes. Jakob was flushed and trying to avert your gazes, but no one can resist the mother-son duo of you and kana's attract attack. It's si okay super effective.

"No....they're for later...."

You pouted and saw your son doing the same. You tried batting your eyelashes to convince him otherwise. You pursed your lips. When in doubt, seduction over moe. Kana can't do this because he is a little straight boy and your husband was definitely straight too.


You could tell he was having a hard time. He just turned his head entirely to one side and firmly stated:


Okay, back to moe mission mode. You made your eyes super big. You did the lip quiver thing and you looked like an innocent little thang. Kana smiled and saw you doing it. Kana See Kana Do. So now they both we're innocent little cinnamon rolls once more.

"Pwett pwease Jakob?"

"Yeah, Papa! Pwetty Pwease?"

Now you had Kanamycin doing the childish w sound instead of r. That's had to be a critical hit because Jakob jerked his head back around to meet you both. Both of you cutely batted your eyelsashes this time.

That's it. Jakob cracked. He gave up. He just spoke to the devil so he could sell his soul in extange for his adorable family. Oh, and Dwyer. He gave up with a prominent blush.

"Fine. One each."

You and Kana cheered and dashed to the macarons. Dwyer wasn't walking in and he saw this. With a sigh he trudged over to his father.

"What happened?"

Jakob forced and facepalmed, sliding his hand down very slowly and agitatedly. He obviously had been bested by his kawaii wife and son.

"I lost a battle of willpower."

Dwyer nodded, understandingly. He looked over at his mother and sibling, who were doing a toast with their sweet treat. This would spoil their dinner, but Dwyer didn't think either of them really minded.

The dominant ones in this family will always be the cutest. And that was you, dear Reader.

Short, sweet, and proud of this fic af. If you didn't enjoy it, I had fun writing it. Almost as fun as Mr. Snuggle Wugglez back there.


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