Henry x Reader

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Henry: It's fine. Nyah-Ha!

Thank gods... so I'm doing two different versions of this AU/Song. Okay? You'll see what I mean. 

(I feel like I'm betraying Wolfychu for not using her video but hers will go on the next one.)

STORYTIME! Zombie Apocolypse AU

Our love story could be kind gory far from boring you'd meet at a post apocalypse. He'd Be slowly walking in a group stalking and you don't be the only one alive but he could not resist! Oh~

You were shooting down the undead with your pistol. One bullet, one down. Three bullets seven down. Ten bulletts all down. You turned around and your heart stopped.But it started back up again realizing who it was behind you.

That wasn't just another zombie trying to infect you. It was Henry. Yes, he was undead but he wouldn't infect you. In fact, you both were in love. You loved Henry but if you were to so much as touch kiss him or let him bite you you'd join him.

You took his hand and he ran into an abandoned building. He lead you up the stairs with a baseball bat in his hand. Once you got up the stairs he started breaking them down with that bat. You started shooting the stairs down until they were Gone.

Now nobody could get you.

Henry smiled and laughed his signature laugh that you fell in love with. He took your hand in his and entwined his fingers. The furthers you could go was a hug. You valued your life and you wanted to keep it. Every day he'd assure you this was enough. He'd give the same speech.

"All Of Your Friends, they try to kill us burn only because they'd Be jealous. That's our love Is deeper than Edward and Bella's. Even though I'm a zombie, I'd never eat your brain. I just want your heart, I want your heart, because I want you."

But today he had more to say, and you do listen because you loved him. Henry was more of a carefree and fun soul who actually like dogs the idea of seeing blood everywhere in this post apocalyptic world.

 "And I try not to bite and infect you because I respect you too much. That's why I'll  wait until we got married. Oh, and our happiest days were spent picking off all your friends. And they've s even a love this deep won't be burried~"

He started leaning in before he knew it. You froze. You didn't knows what to do. Luckily Henry got a hold of his senses.

"Whoops! Sorry (Your name)! Nyah ha!"

The fact he could change from serious to goofy in a heartbeat was another thing that attracted him to you. He said this was enough for him, but it wasn't enough for you. You made your decision.

"Henry. Bite me."

His face fell. He actually opened his eyes to stare at you.

"Are you sure? Once I infect you there's no more living. Though a crimson red would look good on you..."

"Henry, before I change my mind. I want you."

You paused, thinking what you truely wanted.

"I want you. All of you."

Henry understood and hetoom your hand and wrapped it around his neck. He took your other hand and entwined it with his as he held your head with his free hand. You both were were a sitting down so he could wrap his legs around you.

"Are you positive?"

You looked in his open eyes, which were a rare occurance. You nodded.

"Kiss me."

His lips connected with yours and you felt an almost venom si sirge through your being starting at you're mouth. As his tongue went in the infection spread further and faster. Soon enough the outside of your bid you began getting weaker and somewhat decaying a little letting blood ooze out of sport Where you had scars. During the kiss you felt an eye fall out of its socket and roll on the ground.

When Henry pulled away he took the zombie you in for a drink of the eye. You really did look better with the blood, just like he thought you would. And the red liquid oozing from your eyes socket really made him love you even more. 

You felt a little sore form the transformation but you looked at his awestruck face.


He pinned you down against the floor.

"Now you're one of us I don't gotta hold back~ Nyah ha!"

There were officially no more humans left on Planet Earth. 

How was this? Pretty rad amirite? But you wanna now what I mean by another version of this? Imagine if YOU were the zombie! That's out next fic!


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