(Male) Robin x Reader

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Request to MEKURASOULOCEANS. I had some free time so I managed to write this! Also the music doesn't have anything to do with this I just love legally blonde.

You watched in horror as Robin looked over his shoulder at his allies, including you and your future daughter named Morgan. Validar was smirking and Chrom was staring at him.

Robin turned to Chrom with a glint in his eye. He rose his Thoron and he charged up his magic into his hand. He shot chrom right through the chest voluntarily.  He smirked and looked back at Validar. Morgan began to cry.

"Father! No!"

You couldn't believe this. The man who loved you and his allies more than anything was choosing to side with the Grimeal and sunmit to become the fell dragon himself. THis went against every single one of his principles.


He walked up to you. He charged magic in his hand. You pushed Morgan out of the way with what whatever strength  had left from this infinite chain of battles. Tears streamed down your face as you looked up a time him pitifully.

Robin had no emotion in his eyes, but he had a wicked smirk on his lips. The lightning pierced right there, through your head. You died on the spot. The army gave up lsoign both you and Chrom. 

The army was anialated, and so was Yilsse. Everyone died except the grimeal and the world became grima's. Grima was able to resurrect you and you mindlessly became his queen. Well, more like a slave.

You were Grima's personal slave after being killed by your husband, and what's worse Grima looked exactly like your husband. YOu also had no control over you.

Life was misery.

Is that what you were going for?


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