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That's how I feel.


Yeah, I'm still writing this! I can't let thousand people down! Well, thousand reads not readers. Those at least fifty people down!

I will keep writing daily but if I miss a day, don't yell at me. I have other ideas I like to brainstorm and I have a at home book I write during school. It's an actual book so people don't think I weird. 

Yeah, writing fan fiction in class is a wonderful idea guys and I highly encourage it.

Right? Wrong.

I don't. Trust me. They will judge you. Sometimes even say "Wht are you amiigm those two dudes kiss?"

Off topic SPOILER ALERT we're reading a Midsummer Night's Dream And when my friend thinks that's when Lysander Wales up with the love potion he'll fall in love with Demitruis not Helena and ,y teacher says it's Shakespeare and she said this, and I quote: "There's no Yaoi in ancient Greece" because the play is in Greece.

Back on topic!

Thank you guys so much for the support and I really appreciate it so yeah. 

Those who have requested already, thank you so much for helping me grow as a person and a writer by giving me guidelines for a story.

Those who haven't, I can see why you woudlnt but if you're just shy... don't be! I won't bite! I promise you I don't care if you're idea is weird I will do it anyways!

So that's about as much as I need to say on that!

I love you all so much. Don't let other people talk you down. If they do, knowmthst your internet friends got your back.

Internet hugs

Blow kisses

Fictional Character Marraige being legal in japan and child units


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