Stahl x Reader

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This story is based off of this song, unlike the previous one that didn't have anything to do with that last song. It actually relates to the cover of this book quite a lot too. Well, now I said that please enjoy! It's storytime!

You lodged your sword into the copymof yourself from a different timeline. She screamed and falls to her knees ontop of the dragon. She disappears in a plume of demonic and evillicious magic. 

You see yourself getting engulfed in the same thing. You let a tear fall and force yourself to smile. You were going to die. You were going to die. You threw off your coat as you're husband ran up to you in the sunset. Nobody else dared to move. Your feet were disintegrating, and so were the tips of your hair. 

"Stahl, don't forget me."

"I won't! I won't! I swear I won't!"

You gave him your tactician's coat. Stahl, who you preferred with his normal dopey grin, was frowning a and crying his eyes out. Your future son was crying into his hands. All your allies were bawling. You wiped your husband's tears away while you still had time.

"I hope I can see you again."

You pecked his lips. Stahl woudlnt Let you back out. He kept you in an embrace of passionate kissing. He wouldn't let you go until you were gone. You were gone. You just evaporated into the air while he was sharing a final kiss to seal everything. A final gasp of words filled his ears from seemingly thin air.

"I'm so sorry."

Stahl was crying. He was crying like the crybaby he was. His son, Morgan, walked up to his father. He was clutching the coat you gave him to remember you by. He was sobbing. Nobody else in the army dared to approach him except his own kin.

"Thank you so much."

He sobbed. He had a good life with you. Everything was better when you were near. Even this war was bearable as long as you and Morgan were beside him. But now a large part of their hearts has been yanked out as you gave your life to ensure Grima would never be seen on these lands again.

You, his wife, were his best friend. You were more hand just a lover to him, you were his second half he wasn't waiting forever for. It was like you two were soulmates. And without  soulmate, Stahl felt empty.

"It's the end. Goodbye my friend."

He sniffed, remembering how you would always cheer him up because you hated sadness. He remembered your first date, your first kiss, your engagement for after the war, meeting your son, Everything. 

"I swear I won't cry."

He dried his eyes with the coat in his hands. He looked over at Morgan who had eyes stained with tears. He placed his hand on his son's head.

"Don't worry, she will be found."

His son piped up to his dad, surprising him.

"She isn't dead! I know it! The ties that bind us are thicker than the Silver in your sword! I know she lives! She loves us too much! She's alive! I swear it! I won't ever stop looking! I swear it on an oath of this battle!"

Morgan refused to belive she was dead. He absolutely wouldn't belive his mother was gone. He couldn't belive it. He wouldn't. Not ever! She had to be alive somewhere! They found her in a field last time, right? Morgan would search every opens feild in the world! Woth his father's emp or not!

Stahl looked at his son with pride reflecting in his eyes. This definitely was your son. He took him into a hug.

"You're right, she's somewhere. We have to find her."

Stahl had a hard time believing the words he just said, but he would. He'd force himself to have hope she was still alive out there. Stahl won't give up on the love of his life. Not now, not ever. You still promised to marry him after the war. So marry him you shall.

Three years later

You stirred awake, feeling bare on your shoulders. Where was your cloak? Memories flashed I to your eyes before stopping to reach this specific moment in time. The man of your dreams and your future son hovered over you.

"There's better places to take a nap than on the ground, honey. Give me your hand.l

His voice, you missed it so much. You gladly took it as he helped you up and into a hug. Morgan embraced you both making it a group hug. Stahl whsipered softly into your ear:

"We knew you weren't dead.  We just knew it."

They didn't give up on you. After you sacrificed yourself, they still didn't give up on you. You loved your family. You loved your boyfriend. You loved your son. You loved being awake and home.

Anywhere with Stahl was home

And now you were back with Stahl

You were back home.

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