Shigure x Reader

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When somebody asks me who my fave Disney princess is, look at the pic. All joking aside it's probally Tiana or Moana or Meg because they actually do crap! (I know meg ain't a princess but she still awesome af) All Disney aside its story time much dudes.

You decided to take a nice leisurely stroll in the forest of the Precious battlefield that was derived of enemies. You brought a slim weapon just in case, but you didn't feel you needed it. Better to have and not need it than need it and not have it.

You hear wonderful sounds coming from Inside the woods. You try to follow the beautiful symphony of noises revealed to be a noise once close enough. You couldn't hear the lyric song of whatever song somebody was singing, but you could hear each note.

You follow blindly into the forest, the beautiful voice guiding you. It was like a Soren taking hold of it's prey, ready to eat you in one gulp. The sad thing is, you woudlnt mind being engulfed by this voice. Soon enough, words can Ben made out in the Wonderful vocalizatiom being done here.  

"Sing with me a song of silence and blood. All though the rain falls it can't wash away the mud. Within my ancient heart dwells, madness and pride, can no one hear my cry?"

You we're anke to pinpoint the source of the wonderful voice. In a clearing near the center off the wood was the bluenette prince you've grown fond of. How you didn't immediately recognize his voice was a mystery to you.

"In the white light, a hand reaches through. A double edged blade cuts your heart in two. Waking dreams fade away, embrace the brand new day. Sing with me a song of birthrights and love. The light scatters to the sky above. Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone. Lost in thoughts, all alone."

"Embrace the Dark you call a home. Gaze upon an empty white throne. A legacy of lies, a familiar disguise. Sing with me a song of conquest and fate. The white pillar cracks beneath its weight. Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone. Lost in thoughts, all alone."

You sat behind  tree and listened to him sing for hours. He had a crowd of animals like a Disney princess. You didn't want to disturb him so you just sat under that tree and listened. His singing was the most beautiful that ever was placed in your ears.

You were so still a bunny from the crowd hopped over to you. You stared in the eyes of the little fluffball for a moment. You blinked, then it blinked. It's nose twitched as it hopped Into your lap. A smile crept over your lips.

The Prince must have sensed the absence of one of his audiance members because he carefully stood up and followed the path the bunny took to you. He was shocked when he saw you stroking the rabbit with a smile and closed eyes.

"(Your name)?"

You looked up at the Prince, son of Azura, and smiled. He had a light pink dusting whatever was visible of his cheeks.

"Greetings, Milord."

"How long were you here?"

Normally, he'd ask you to stop calling him 'milord', but he must have been embarrassed about his singing. Honestly, you've found him often to watch him. This was the first accidental one and the first time you've been caught.

"I lost track of time, apologies."

He took that as a sign you were here for a while, which was true. The rabbit jumped up, allowing you to stand. Shigure was shy about his gorgeous voice. How cute. You smiled at the prince widely.

"Though your singing voice is lovely."

A polite smile tugged his lips.

"Thank you. I can sing you a songs if you'd like."

Your face lit up. You nodded excitedly as he lead you into the clearing without scaring any animals and he dedicated a song to you.

And only to you.

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