Dwyer x Reader

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HAPPT VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Oneshots for all the single pringles out there reading this! Starting with, in my opinion, the better butler. And I don't mean Sebastian.

You laughed as Kana dropped the bag of flour and it pooped everywhere. Just white powder all over the floor of the kitchen. You and your son were just dying. Literally dying laughing. You swore you couldn't breathe.

Let's talk about why you were here. It was Valentine's Day Andy you had the best husband, like, ever. He always made you the best tea and coffee and he always gave you gifts and he treated you like a goddess. It was lit.

Kana, your first and only son, wanted to help you make a giant red velvet and chocolate cake for him since it was the day of love and all that. But a thing about you, you can't cook. That gene seemed to have passed down to your son as well.

So there you both were, the room covered in white fluff as if Felicia was proposed to again, laughing now on the ground like nobody in the world gives any bothers. Kana began rolling around on the floor, covering himself up in flour.

Then the worst possible thing happened. Your somewhat slothful husband walked in and took in the sight in his permenantly sunken eyes. What. The. Heck. Did. You. Just. Do? By the looks of it, something entirely ditzy and stupid.

"Honey....did you pull a Felicia?"

"Yeah, I done goofed. I had one job and I failed it. Kana! Get off the flooor your back is white!"

Kana sprang up with energy and hugged his father like the sly little thing he is. Now Dwyer was lightly dusted with flour, causing you to giggle harshly. It was more of a snorting laughter than a giggle but hey, I like the word giggle.

Oh, and when he said 'didn't you pull a Felicia' that was your code for did you have a blonde moment. And having a blonde moment is pulling a stupid or pulling a smooth move. If you don't know what pulling a smooth move means it's just doing something klutzy. The fact I had to explain this for some of you dense readers is disheartening. 

"What were you trying to do?"

Before you could answer, your little bundle of energy you called your pride and joy chirped into the conversation. Yep. He was definitely your son, even though he had Dwyer's hair and his ability to sleep through a snowstorm.

"We tried to bake you a cake, Papa!"

"HUSH CHILD!!! Darn... That was a surprise, Kana!"

"Opposes! Sorry Mommy!"

Kana turned around and hugged you, making you more of a flour monster. A snowman. Dwyer sighed and facepalmed. He didn't a lot of that in this relationship. But he loved you anyways. You both knew that. Kana flopped to the ground and started to make a flour snow angel for no reason other than sheer enjoyment. This made Dwyer groan.

"Looks like I need to clean this up."

"No way! It's my mess!"

"And you're my wife. Now where is that pesky mop?"

Dwyer walked off and you pouted. Kana started giggling and sat up. You looked at your sink, bewlidered, until he pointed to the closet int he kitchen that Dwyer passed by to find the cleaning material. Kana hid the mop, definitely. 

You crouched down and give your son a high five before grabbing the mop and beginning to clean up the mess. When Dwyer cam eback, complaining he couldn't find it, he saw that half the kitchen was as squeaky clean. Kana was using some wipes to clean the cabinets and doors that were flourfied and you had the floor. 

Dwyer, seeing his fmailt hard at work, couldn't not help but feel a smile of pride take over his tired lips. His family was the best, even if they were difficult sometimes. She was trying to bake him a cake, right? Maybe he did help the twomsince neither of them can cook to safeness their lives.

Maybe then after he'd treat her, who knows? Just thinking about it brough a creepy smirk and a light dust of blush to his face. 

Then Jakob walked in.

That ending though! Come on! I'll leave what Jakob does to your imagination. But happy Valentine's Day! This surely won't be the only Valentine's special for today. If you want a certain boy, tell me! You'd also have to tell me if you want it to be a special or not. Same rules apply but if you just put a holiday after the boy's name that works too!


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