Tsubaki x Reader

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I used to hate this guy, and then I saw that one heartfelt comic of him comforting Hana and my heart froze. Evangeline.exe has stopped working. So he had been added to my large pile of Fire Emblem Fictional Crushes. That's why I'm giving him a one shot since I gots no requests.

You hadn't slept in weeks since the war began. You were tired and insomniac. Sleep just didn't want to embrace you like you wanted to embrace it. You haven't shown any signs of fatigue to your army, that would bring weakness.

You had just had Sakura and her retainers join you on your separate quest for peace. Your little sister was just too good and kind hearted. You were so thankful to have the Hoshidan Princess as a relative who trusted you like Jakob And Azura.

You'd pretend to be asleep in the Astral Plane for Jakob, then sneak out when you One was he stopped checking on you hourly to sleep himself. Every night near the edge of your territory of the Astral Planes there is a clearing in the woods. You went there nightly to try and clear your head. Sadly, your head would always cloud after you leave. No sleep would find you there either.

You just wanted sleep, but your brain would not shut off long enough for the delicious feeling to engulve you.

You were in your normal routine of going to the clearing again. It was just past one in the morning. Jakob doesn't rest until midnight. Not even Azura gays up this late. You make your way into the Astral Woods.

You sit under your normal tree and pick up the artist's sketch pad and the quail and ink you left hidden in the clearing. You could at least be productive while you were there. You drew the scenery, and the drawing was going quite well. You may finish tonight.

You spent an hour sketching the rest silently. What you didn't know is that a certain Pegasus knight was doing rounds on his Pegasus to make sure the Astral Plane was protected from Invaders, which were actually common in then Planes. Greedy men and women who wanted to expand their territory.

He landed nearby and asked his horse to stay put. He creeped up and saw you drawing. He stood perfectly still and watched your hand move the quick along the page. Once the drawing was complete, the perfectionist found it absolutely gorgeous. But what was a princess doing up this late? His lady Sakura was out cold hours ago, why not this one?

You sensed a presence. You closed the sketch pad and dropped the quil slowly and reluctantly. You stood up. You're hair covered the sides of your face and you clenched your first step at your sides.

"Who's there? Reveal thy self."

Your voice commanded like you would your soldier's in the field of battle. Tsubaki stepped out in his redheadded glory, hands raised in defeat. He had a smile on his perfect lips. He was one of Sakura's retainers.

"I apologize, but I saw you alone and I couldn't help but observe your artistic skill. It's flawless."

Earning such praise from the person said to be a perfectionist himself had to be worth something. You never thought twice about your art, but if it was worthy of being called flawless by he who is said to be flawless, then you cared.

"Flawless? That's an overstatement. Thank you for the praise."

"If I may ask, My Lady, why are you up so late? Or, so early in the morning?"

You looked away from the redhead and up to the moon that was sparkling along with the rest of the stars in the Astral Plane's night sky. You tiredly frowned.

"I haven't slept in a while. Stress just is eating me alive. Being here is like my rejuvenation."

He nodded, understanding. You sat back down and reached for your sketchy pad. Maybe you could draw something else. But what? Nothing else was here except the clearing. That's when Tsubaki sat next to you, looking over your shoulder.

"What are you going to draw?"

You looked him in the eye.

"What are you doing?"

"I believe I asked first."

He did. You sighed. You didn't really know. You looked around. Nothing but trees circling an open area you've drawn before, not just once. You looked back at Tsubaki.

"Perhaps you, if you'd allow it."

Tsubaki smiled.

"That would be perfect."

You smiled arm him and raised your quil to the paper. A Pegasus trotted Into the area and sat behind his master. Tsubaki saw this Andy just raised his hand to stroke the mount's Mane. You changed your seating position to get a better angle.

Tsubaki sitting cross legged in the forground with his Pegasus wrapping behind him from the middle ground stretching to the foreground and the trees surrounding the clearing in the backdrop. It would be a beautiful scene. You had to make it perfect to be worthy of his lovely face.

And you did.

If anyone can draw good, try to draw that. My challenge to you! Love you all and thanks for following the development of yandere simulator. Wait, wrong script!


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