Tsubaki x Reader

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A request by DewGlow128 but I will say the story was completely on my own so don't kill them for how dark this story is. The song makes a lot of sense.

Dark Woods Circus AU

The cages were old and rusted. It was a terrible, gloomy, melancholy place to be. Your body mutated to a point beyond restoration. Acid marks all over your face from misbehavior. This surely wasn't the life.

You were disformed in a crude way. The 'Circus Masters' gave you a horrible mutation. I don't think you'd want to know if you want to keep your lunch. If you don't want to be grossed out, skip the next paragraph.

They ripped out your arms And replaces them with the arms of different beasts. Sewn onto the ripped and uneven flesh of your torso was one alligators arm and one Lion paw. The same fate happened to your legs being replaced with an englarged eagle talon and a goat leg. The skin of your face was ripped off partially and replaced with the scales of a poisonous cobra. Your eye was clawed out and replaced with a pure red glass bead. They gave your enlarged bat wings and a long snake for a tail. You were the definition of a monster.

You were the center of the circus, ebung the best freak of the show. The ones who also were woth you were two pitiful twins sewn together at the neck by their torsos. Sakura and Elise. Another one was a man who had his body parts and brain switched out for a wolf's. His name was Keaton. And the last coworker was the deformed diva with his bones showing and two goat legs. His name was Tsubaki.

He had a wonderful voice and was a perfect being at heart. He believed if he was perfect in every way he could be released and see his family one more time. But little did he know his parents sold him to be engulfed in this horrible fate. Just like you.

Tsubaki was a wonderful singer and that was his act. The voice of an angel in a demon's body. The poor boy. You wanted to help him but you couldnt. He, when he first arrived, misbehaved often to try and get out. His face was rotting away so they gave him a visor over his eyes. Every night when they weren't preformin pg he did sing the same verse, since that's all he's good for any more.

"It is not my wish to be deformed like this. My body is a strong undesirable as you'd think. Why do you look at me when with eyes like that? This face is rotting and is rotten. It is painful it is painful, but it's not like it can be helped at all. This is what she speaks, and the show goes on. There is no stop, there is no end forever."

"It is so much fun, it is so much fun. This Circus is fun and won't ever be done. Rotten fruit dissolves and my eyes they crawl. Reflected in them is my skin rotting off. I just want to die I just want to die. Take me away, won't someone ever reply? It's impossible I can hear them say, "there is no way". I guess I am here to stay."

You always took pity on him but you'd never talk to him, fraud he'd judge you. It was irrational since you both were monsters, but you were the most vile of the beasts here. You wanted to talk to him, tell him it's okay, but you couldnt.

Tonight was different. He was in the middle of his song, chin became a lullaby for every other beast in this Circus, the dark woods Circus. He finished the first verse when you managed to crawl out of your iron bars. You used the snake as a tail to escape the prison, but you never dared to leave. The guards would catch you and dip you in acid again.


You whispered to him through the bars. Your wings tucked close to your body. He looked up pitifully. His visor slightly falling off his face to reveal the disformation of it. His eye barely in tact to the rest of him. His red ponytail flowing down his shoulder in knots. You wanted to preserve him and keep him as he once was. He once was a beautiful redheaded boy. Maybe one day you both can return to your true forms.


He wasn't scared, but he was crying. You looked at what you had as replacements for hands. A lion paw and an aligator's claw. You took the claw and gently wiped away his tears. You had a bold thought. What if you both could escape?

"I want to get us out of here."

He looked ar you and he saw you turn around to reveal the snake thst was your tail. The snake bit on the iron and infected it with venom before turning it into a much substance. He chewred It  up and spat it out. Tsubaki had enough room to leave.

"Let's go."

Tsubaki looked In your eyes with a ready smile. He nodded but said:

"Let's save everyone."

He wasn't a kind boy. Maybe if you'd met in some other life, some other world, maybe you both could have been normal and together. But in this life you had to save everyone else.


The masters found you, but everyone else escaped. You and Tsubaki were the only ones captured. And for this, they weren't going to keep you. They just decided to straight up kill you.

Tsubaki was grateful for this, and so were you. They would put you out of your misery. Maybe just maybe you both could meet in heaven.

Okay I'm in a good mood so we aren't done.

You woke up with a start, breathing heavily. You looked around your private quarters to see it was the same old world. The same place you were in. It made you grateful to be alive now instead of then. It made you grateful you were one hundred percent human. It made you appreciate your husband a thousands times more.

Speaking of your husband he sat up rubbing his eyes. His ponytail was out leaving his long red hair to be scattered everywhere in the bed. Including tangled in with some of yours. His hand was entwined with yours so when you sat up abruptly you must have woken him.

"Darling, are you alright?"

He looked at you with a a dazed expression. He reached his free hand I up and wiped your eyes. You were crying? You hardly noticed. He took you into an embrace. You hiccuped and started sobbing while telling him the story.

"We were I'm some sort of freak show and we were both monsters! I tried to save you and you wanted to save everyone making us bother get caught! They dipped us into a tub of some sort of acid and we died a horrible painful death! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

With your sobs he ran his hand so through your hair and whispered sweet Nothings into your ear. But once you calmed down a bit he said:

"Don't stress, it isn't good for the baby."

Okay that sounds about right. Im done. Enjoy! Also raise your hand if you cried.


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