Henry x Reader

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BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME FOR AN ESRLY REPEAT THIS WAS StormRaider101'S SECOND REQUEST!!!! But hey, I ain't complainin. It's my favorite little psycho! Just imagine him singing you'll be back or meant to be yours or even our love is god! Sorry. I'm late, straight, and musical trash. This story is actually somewhat inspired by pinkie's brew. Okay, a lot inspired. Now....STORY TIME!!!!

You hum as you dance around the cauldron. You sprinkle in a few main ingredients before opening the spellbook. You were whipping up something that wasn't a pie this time. Sorry Stahl. But you had a helper!

"Henry! Don't touch that bowl! And I already told you I don't need any Risen arms for this!"

The wicked white haired boy with infinitely closed eye sight gave you his signature laugh before throwing the arm away out the tent. You clapped as all the ingredients were set out before you. The curious mage walked up beside you.

"So, whatcha going to make? Something spooky? Ooh! Ooh! Does it involve blood?!"

You giggled and shook your head, reading the instructions form the book. You had to activate it to begin the process. When doing said activation with the magic donated from your lovely Assistant, a catchy and lighthearted tune began playing in the tent. So you had to do this in song? No problem!

"I'll cook up a solution with the knowledge I've accrued.  They say a kitchen time saves nine, but I'm just saving two. I'm gathering these ingredients to make some time sorbet. This hardly roomfor seconds when the seconds melt away!"

Henry was bouncing on his feet to the catchy tune as you grabbed a bunch of ingredients and poured them into the concoction while singing out what they were.

"Watch as I work my gypsey magic! Eye of the newt and cinnamon. Watch as the matter turns to batter! Open the portal jump in!"

The portal to the past didn't open. You pouted but Henry sure seemed to be having fun with this little spell experimentation. If it worked, you could go back in time and save your parents from the Risen attack on your village.

"Crude stew. Do you feel it? Henry, you. Sometimes life is not a cakewalk served upon a silver spoon. Toss a fig and save the date and-"

You quite literally tossed a fig into the screw and grabbed a giant clean stick to stir everything.  Maybe the extra ingredients were in fact mandatory and not just extra. This kids, is why you purchase the DLC.

"Chant And mutter. Bread and butter. Marination. Incantation. Chocolate icing. Timeline splicing. Yeast is rising. Rectifying!"

You and Henry leaned over to see if anything is happening within the elixir. An image of your parents appeared in the pink liquid.

"Sweetie if you're hearing this it means we're dead and gone. Please don't bake a portal just accept it and move on."

Henry was about to say something but you continued the ritual.

"My cauldron is preheated and I got you in my thrall! Let's beat these yolks and save my folks by baking the fourth wall!"

The poor fourth wall. You threw in some eggs and some more ingredients to be named momentarily. Henry was growing weary of this whole thing.

"Watch as I work my gypsey magic! Mermaid tears and provolone! Bat out the outcast with her witchcraft some day I'm gonna go home!"

Henry watched you look into the cauldron, but frown when seeing nothing.

"Some day I'm gonna go home..."

You sighed and it activated the spell. A portal shot out of the cauldron to a battle field. The battle at your village where risen appeared from nowhere. You cheered and henry gasoed, taking out his tome. You both jumped in to fight and save your parents.

Fire Emblem Boiz x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ