Chrom x Reader

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Well Stormie, good old StormRaider101. How does it feel to reel in three requests, huh? Whelp. Now I gotta finish all three before I leave in an hour for softball. Are you ready kids? *aye aye captain!* I can't hear you *AYE AYE CAPTAIN* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

You held your axe tightly in your hand, ready to slam it down into any no good Yilssean foe. The previous Exalt took too much from you during the first war. The loves of your parents and siblings wouldn't be forgotten. You'd get your revenge soon enough.

On the field of battle for king Validar, you stood with the killer axe shining under the desert sun. Aversa commanding everyone. You take sight of a blue haired man. You had no bluenettes in the plegian army so you rushed for the man to cut him down.

No good Yilsseans couldn't do anything with justice. You needed Vengance. Anger and wrath boiled in your veins and you clashed your axe to a sword. The bluenette uses his strength to hold you. 

Chrom was entering the field of battle. He was rush attacked by an axewoman native of plegia. The adrenaline of battle wild in her eyes and she had the strength of several men. Unluckily for her, so did the prince.

Chrom pushed you back and tried to slice down on you, but you swung your axe back up at the blade as cover. The metal clashed and you both stood in front of the others, glaring. Chrom saw something he's never seen before. He saw the same look his future daughter bared when arriving to see her mother wasn't yet there.

You glared into the Blunette's Eyes. Yilssean scumbag. You tightened your grip on the axe, ready to slice him down. Another bluenette, who was female, looked over this way. It was clear she had conflicted emotions at laying eyes on you.

Chrom saw you shift your weight to go in for another blow. He snapped put of his trance. He raised his Falchion in defense for your killer blow. Chrom fended himself as best ad he could. You did overpower him.

Chrom's army watched as he was helpless. He was sprawled on the ground in defeat, his legendary blade scattered across the field. The plegian axewoman stood over him in Vengance with her axe raised. 

In his eyes she saw fear, but a vaguely familiar look. One of the man who took your family's life. That was it. Crazed with wrath at the memory, you were ready to swing down. Before you could take off the Yilssean's head the bluenette girl jumped to her father's Aide. She had the same blade as he and she glared into your eyes.

"I will not let you harm Father, Mother."

This young woman called you mother. You couldn't help but laugh as you swung to cut her down like every single other Yilssean you've met. In a rage, you proceeded me to fight off the girl. She had similar fighting style to the man, yet one resembling your own. That being the primary reason why you couldn't get her at a weak point. 

With another heavy clash you both are pushed back in the sand after recoil. Exaughstion takes over your person, but you wouldn't stop until you killed every last Yilssean. They took the lives of your family. They deserved it.

Other soldiers were able to pin you down at this point. The bluenette girl strides up in front of you, now held like a prisoner before her. The blunette man was now standing and beside the girl. You were trashing.

"Lucina, you called her-"

"I know. Father, this is Mother."

You growled. What a funny lie this girl was spitting out. You trashed harder, glaring at every single one of the Yilssean Shepards surrounding you. True, Chrom was intrigued by you. But this would be his wife and the mother of a child as great as Lucina? Chrom couldn't belive it.

"Save your stupid words. Kill me or realease me."

You growled out with nothing left to lose. Chrom looked at you. 

"What is your name?"

"(Your name) (Last name). And I must say it surely isn't a pleasure you filthy Yilssean scum! You killed my family! Now pay!"

You struggled to break free but no avail. Chrom flinched And stepped back. He looked over st his daughter in concern she didn't fall and bump her head or something bizarre. She just stared at her. She took out a pendant. She opened it in front of you.

"See this? You gave this to me in the future. As a memorial to your lost loved ones. My grandparents."

You gasped. You freed an arm and used it to grab the pendant out of your armor. It was identical. How?! Why?! You just stared at the bluenettes, the Yilsseans.

"Let her go."

They drop you and you just sit there on the ground, bewildered. You look up at these Yilsseans. They took everything you loved but didn't feel the need to slaughter them. It wasn't like a weight of deception fell off your chest and the truth replaced it.


The girl was holding back tears. You stood up. You didn't know what to do. You just make stood there as she ran up to you out and hugged you. You gasped. You slowly placed a hand ontop of her head.

"So...I'm ya mom? What did I name ya?"

The girl looked up at her with a tear filled smile. Chrom just observed. Her harsh and lethal attitude slipped away at the mention of her lost family. This girl did interest him. Like fate. Or an ivinsible tie that binded them.


You smiled and patted her head.

"Just like my Mum. Let me guess, awestruck over there Is my future husband or something?"

Lucina nodded. She took out the ring of the Yilssean royal family. When showed it to you.

"It will be yours one day. After Validar is gone Father will start trying to court you. You will grow close but reluctant to become his Queen if Yilsse, after you're experiance. It was actually the best thing that someone who knew the pain of the past exalt became a ruler of our Haildom. It was a safeguard it would never happen again...mother...."

Her eyes filled with tears again and you hugged your supposed daughters. You looked over at the prince. So he really was going to be your husband, Eh? Then you'd have to get over that grudge. You send him a wink playfully before hugging your daughter back to max efficiency.

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