Frederick x Reader

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No song, sorry. Also this is another for NdragonEyes. I honestly don't really like Freddy Boi much but I'll try.


The bluenette prince fell back with a large gash in his arm. You knew you shouldn't have strayed to far to take on that large number of enemies! 

Lissa rushed to his side to heal him leaving you and Frederick yourselves to defend him like a castle or a border. You wielded you're sword and Frederick brought his sliver axe up. He swung down on the bringads and you sliced through a few. 

Frederick slashed through a large accumulation of the Plegians and Lissa worked to heal her brother. You were just as loyal to Chrom s first frederick was. Both of you being the equivalent of retainers.

"Frederick! Left!"

You saw an axeman trying to sneak around and assasinate chrom. You covered the line of enemies trying to rush Chrom with your sword and Frederick rode on his horse and chopped down on the axeman's neck.

"(Your name) To the Right!"

You sliced your sword through a body to pierce a lancer on your right to stop from killing your on th spot. Chrom was healed and ready for battle. He picked up his Falcion ready to fight by his Knights.

Later than your liking, the village was safe again. Frederick went to check on Chrom ndr Lissa while you looked around at the battlefield that was the town. 

"Frederick, evaluation."

You called you and the knight walked next to you, looking at the town.

"Terrible. I doubt there's are many survivors. If any at all."

You nodded. Chrom looked down and Lissa let out a song or two. But your job as shepards was to try and keep peace throughout Yilsitol. The reason you were a Shepard anyway was for Frederick anyways.

"Should we find a clearing to set up camp or reside in the rubble? I advise against it since someone could send an Assasin for Milord."

Frederick nodded.

"Camp it is."

Lissa groaned but it was for the best. You went off to find a clearing in the woods.

Again, I can't write Frederick.


Fire Emblem Boiz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now