Niles x Reader

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LAST ONE FOR NdragonEyes!!! JESUS CHIRST I THOUGHT ID NEVER BE DONE!!!! You know what? Let's make a toast for actually compelteimg everything I was forced to fo by her winning! Excluding the drawings because I still need to draw Stahl.... CHEERS!!!!

You were in the hot springs alone, minding your own business. You didn't notice another person entering the water. You were scrubbing your arms when suddenly a very warm presences made itself known on your back.

"Hello darling~"

A voice purred Into your ear. You knew that voice from anywhere. The seductive retainer to Lrince Leo himself was in the baths with you. Oh gods this will be a fun time. You turned your head and met his lustful eyes,

"Niles not now. I need to get clean, not do the dirty. Save that for after everyone is asleep."

Niles chuckled heartily.

"It's hilarious you assume something like that love~ but can't I just enjoy  lovely bath with my wife?"

You sighed. You knew better than to belive he had innocent intentions. Come on. This is Niles. The literal dirties guy in camp. The biggest pervert in the history of perverts. How could he have pure intentions?

"Niles, I know you better."

"Okay you got me."

He raised his hands in defeat but he went ahead and grabbed a sponge.

"Let me at least was your back my love~"

You sighed and complied. You didn't have long enough arms to reach anyways. You felt him washing your back as you kept scrubbing your front. And then he suddenly stopped. He turned you around to face him and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.

"Now do me~"

He whispered roughly, pressing the sponge in your hands and turning around. You sighed and complied, washing his back. 

When you were done he spun around and took your arms and pinned them behind your own back. This left you exposed to him. You struggled in your husabnd's grip.

"Niles not now!"

"I just want to take in the view~"

He looked at you hungrily and he licked a stripe from your neck down the center of your cleavage to your belly button, lifting you a bit above the water to do so. You squirmed and he pulled away. He placed you back int the water and grinned evilly as you stared at him with Vengance.

"I said no."

"Come on. You can't expect me to restrain myself it youre exposed like this~"

You crossed your arms and went to the stairs that allowed you to get out of the water. You exited and found a towel to dry yourself off and you put on your clothes, leaving Niles in the water.

You would be punished for that later.... you knew it.

Hot spring scene, CHECK!!! I always do at least one per book and here it is! Enjoyed it?


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