Shura x Reader

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This one is for NdragonEyes and the last one before i pick up a pencil and go nonstop with all these goddang drawing requests I was given! XD. But in all seriousness let's get down to business. TO DEFEAT THE HUNS

You were a reserved person. You didn't talk much. You stuck to logical things like facts and figures. You just didn't like talking. 

But someone you did talk to was Shura. He was a Kohgan adventurer seeking Vengance for the fall of his own kingdom. You could relate to him somewhat because you were from a town that fell to Mokkushu too. 

"Hey Shura."

You actually walked up to him, starting a conversation. This was something new to Shura. You were actually talking to him? This was sure to be interesting.

Shura scoted over on his log that he was sitting on and you sat next to him. You were so small and so adorable. He was tempted to wrap his arm around you but didn't. 

"Do you miss home?"

She looked up at the scruffy man. He sighed and he rubbed the back of his neck, looking uo at the sunset. 

"Well, duh. I mean, I lost my family. I lost all my friends. I lost everything. Of course I miss home."

You nodded and you leaned on his shoulder a bit. Shura saw this and he decided "screw it" he wrapped his arm around you. He smiled to himself. 

"Did you have a girl back home?"

That was a question Shura never thought would leave your mouth. He looked at you as you a stared blanky at the ground. He actually did have a fiancé, but no kids. She wasn't the nicest person and the only reason he was going to marry her is because his best friend asked him to marry his sister. He didn't want her ending up forever alone. But he didn't want to tell you. He actually LOVED you. 

"No. Did you have a man?"


You answered with no thought. There was a moment of silence before you spoke uo again. You didn't know why you were doing this, but you were.

"Would you make me your girl?"

Why did you say that?! Oh right. You had Nyx use a spell that mademoiselle you forget all your shame for a night because you decided it was enough and you couldn't handle his anymore. Shura snapped his attention into your eyes. You had the face of a woman who had nothing to lose. Shura smiled and caressed your cheek.

"Yeah. Yeah I will."

He leaned in and kissed you. And it was fireworks.

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