Xander x Reader

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OMG I SHIP IIIIIIIIIT Phan forever man. Also try not to scream my dudes. The video relates NOTHING to the story.

It was a dark night in the Nohrian castle, far different than your old life in Nestra. But as a princess and to forge a better alliance with Nohr were being married off. YOur wedding would new in three days time.

The new Nohrian monarchy after Garon was slaughtered due to some unknown reasons to the world they gave you the choice between two Nohrsin princes. Your family pushed you married the high prince, because his coordination would be soon and you would be Queen. 

A Nestrian Queen Of Nohr. Imagine it.

You were in the chambers they gave you for now. Until you were married off that is. Then you would have to sleep in the same bed as your husband. Wether that be Prince Leo or King Xander. It wasn't up to you, even though they say it is.

It was rather chilly in yours chamners but you payed the cold no mind. You bundled yourself in the blankets you were given, shivering a little. Then you heard a knock on the chamber door. You sat up with the blanket covering you Just in case.

"Little Princess, is everyhting up to your satisfactory?"

It was Lord Xander yet again. More than likely his retainers along side him. His retainers were nice people but the girl scared you a little. You called back out through the door:

"Yes my lord, just a bit chilly!"

Why did you say you were chilly!? Big mistake for you! Now there was a silence, then a shuffling noise, then another voice through the door. Still Xander.

"Little Princess, I have acquired extra blankets. Are you in a position where I can enter?"

He was polite and considerate. This whole time that high prince had been catering to you instead of the servants. He probably wanted to make sure you were comfortable in your new home. And sadly enough, you were comfortable. You were on a Level thst you wouldn't mind marrying him.

"Yes, My Lord."

He opened the door and his retainers stayed behind. He held blankets in his arm and he placed them over you on the bed as you were in the normal sleeping position once more. He sat at the bedside with a wistful look. You pr gaze fixated on his facial features.

"I'm sorry you were dragged into this, little princess. But I hope we can at least make you comfortable in your new life."

You pitied him for having to apologize for something out of his control. You lifted your hand above the blankets and placed it ontop of his, which rested on the bed. He looked you in the eyes.

"It's fine. I wouldn't mind marrying you."

He had a small smile twinge on his lips, the first smile you've seen out of him. Well, half smile. He stands up and places his hand on your forehead as if checking for fever.

"That's Wonderful to hear."

He reached down and pecked your forehead. You smiled when he did so and he maintained his smile. He looked back at you before leaving the room. You never had a more peaceful sleep.


Xander closed the door quietly with an uncharacteristic grin on his face. Peri And Laslow stood in awe, looking at him. He raised an eyebrow.


Laslow And Peri share a look.


"Xander you're smiling!"

Instantly he made his mouth back to his normal scowl of a frown and he looked at them.

"No I'm not, I'm frowning less intensely."

Fire Emblem Boiz x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ