Takumi x Reader

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Beyond-The-Sky Was asking for it so here it is! Sorry for the wait I'm just not motivated as normal right now. Sorry if it's garbage...

You smiled and laughed as tickles came over the very essence of your being. Your beloved boyfriend was tackling you in a fit of tickles. He never was playful like this but when he was it was going to be a good night.

"Takumi STOP!"

You managed to screech out while his fingers playfully tickled your sides, front, and friggin everywhere. You squealed like a pig as he managed to pin you don instead of just holding you in his lap.

"I gotcha! I gotcha!"

He was laughing all the while. You could hardly breathe. Takumi was not a man for mercy. He was unyielding to your sides. After a good seventeen minutes of this torture he let up and sat back up on top of you.

This is when you nothin realize the position that you were in. Takumi flushed completely red along with you. He scooted right off you allowing you to sit up. After you both stare at eachtoher you burst out laughing.

"Oh my god what was that?!"

"What the heck! You were ontop of me!"

You were just laughing, busting a gut. Takumi never is like this. It was nice to see him in s rally good mood. Even if your sides were going to kill you for this in the morning.

That was a good fluff, yeah? I'm sorry to Ech0ez because I'm going to wait a little bit to do your request....


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