Siegbert x Reader

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OMG this request is so awesome I'm gonna copy And paste it at the end. It is for RadioactiveRebellion and I'm really excited to get into this one on this episode of diners, drive ins, and dives! Oh shoot wrong script.

The Nohrian And Hoshidan rimes have been up against a new threat: changlings

Changlings are horrifying half bug creatures that feed off of both blood and admiration. They transform into the one someone loves and they feed off of their emotions. When they suck them dry they eat the drained body of their victim. 

But in battle changlings are far worse. They change Into your beloved after sizing you up in a galnce which slowly drains your energy while you fight them. It's hard to beat one, much lest a full hive. One isn't a challenge for any normal soldier. No, one is a challenge for anyone.

Changlings are like the new zombies of the world. Nobody knows where they come from but we do know one thing. All they know is eat, kill, multiply. If you don't kill a changlings when you can they will build more and more hives, expand, and take over the world in Apocolypse. Anyone catch the wreck it Ralph reference?

You and the rest of the Nohrian army were fending off a large horde of them. Luckily these things have a weak point for projectiles Unless they were lucky to have a victim with a lover powerful against said attacks and can counterattack them. 

You were a swordswoman, putting you at a large disadvantage when it comes to weakness. A changlings finds you. This was your first battle against a changling in real life. You've only heard stories from survivors. It was hard to believe such a thing existed in your world.

Oh no.

The black creature with insect eyes and wing skin as well as ones scattered its whole humanoid body transformed into your beloved. Your unattainable crush. King Siegbert of Nohr, one of the most powerful men in the world. 

You had to fall in love with your liege now didn't you?! Changlings are a pain in the arse, but this made a whole new level of terrifying and helplessness. You can't fight the one you wrote to protect! But that's not him... it's a changling! But then... why can't you move?

You could practically feel the energy dripping out of you're body and feuling the changeling with so much More power. No. No no no no. You were crying. It felt this horrible to fight one of these things?

You're whoe, body tensed as you finally managed to get your sword through the tears. But you couldnt weild it against him. You had to have him take the first move. Burn the vile creature could see your petrifaction and just sat there, looking just like Siegbert. 

He smirked, knowing he won. He walked up to you, note having a horse mirage, and held up Siegfred. Yes, the legendary sword itself bestowed upon the new king by his now deceased father. Changlings can replicate legendary weapons. Thins has to be informed. 

But it's won't. Because you're the only one who knows and you're about to die. He raised the sword up and you closed your eyes, crying a bloody mess. Then to your surprise you heard a demonic screeching of pain from the changeling. You dare open one eye. 

Siegbert was impaling Siegbert. You gasp as he utterly destroys the changling while still being atop of his horse, Siegernie. No it wasn't really named Siegernie, it wasn't Justin a Sesame Street joke. No time for jokes. This is serious. 

Siegbert exhales deeply as he lowers Siegfred. He looked at you and he smiled kindly. Then he motioned arm the front of both of you. You turn and see a pair of Changelings. They morph into bith of you, standing opposed to the one not you. Basically Siegbert had you in front of him.

Wait... did he-

No time for waiting you had to fight these bastards. 

Time Kip

All the changlings finally we're defeated or retreated. There were more can casuaktied than one would hope but you did learn about a new tactic to fight them off,

Work in pairs and go against the partner's person. Or work in a group of three or four or how many you find comfortable. As long as there is more than one person.

But you had something on your mind. While fighting alongside King Siegbert his changling kept morphing into you, as yours was morphing into him. It makes you wonder, does he reciprocate these feelings.

You were going to go ask him, but saw him stressing to himself Instead. Today was a rough battle, losing a handful of close friends and dozens of troops. Rest In Peace, Nina. 

Maybe you'd ask another day, after another fight, and another victory for the human race.

Her prompt was so much better! Here:

I have an idea; I think you can pull it off! What if the reader goes up against an enemy that takes the form of one of their victim's loved one's, like a shapeshifter of sorts. They talk about happy memories the reader shared with the person they took the form of, and once the victim realizes their appearance is an illusion, the enemy attacks. What if the reader goes up against one of these enemies and sees the love interest? The reader always previously thought they didn't have a chance with them, so they kept their mouth shut about their feelings. The enemy(in the appearance of the love interest) talks as if they like the reader, making them confused, but happy as well in a way. The reader realizes none of that is real, and before they can get attacked, the real love interest steps in and defeats the enemy. This could be the time where the reader explains what they just saw, and the love interest could confess. Specific character up to imagination. :]

And there you go, sorry it was so bad.


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