The Unknown- Chapter Sixty Two

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Imy- "You know he can't go on anything right? He is only just over a month old. He is only just starting to hold his head up. He can't play down the park."

Niall- "We know that. Well we are going to take him down there in the pushchair and then we can feed the ducks. It's just so that he can get out and it gives me and Lou time to talk alone and write songs."

Imy- "How long will you be gone?"

Niall- "Few hours."

Imy- "What am I meant to do?"

Niall- "Sleep. Catch up on what you miss now because of Noah, heard Vampire Diaries was good last week. Go shopping with Chloe or one of the other girls. Whatever you want. It is a day for you!" 

Imy smiled at her husband and he bent down to give her a kiss before taking Noah out of her arms. 

Imy- "Have you got his bag." 

Niall bit his lip and placed Noah back in Imy's arms. Imy laughed as he left the room to go to Noah's nursery to get his nappies and other baby things that he needed. Niall returned to the bedroom and took Noah back off of Imy and kissed her goodbye again. Imy said goodbye and then Niall left. He was meeting Louis in the car park. Louis was already in the car when Niall got there. He put Noah in his car seat and then got into the driver's seat. They pulled out of the driveway adn made their way to the park. 

Imy got out of bed and walked downstairs to see if anyone was awake. Louise was still in bed so in the house it was just Imy. Still everyone had no idea that Natalie and Oritse had returned to their house that night. Louise soon came downstairs and joined Imy in the kitchen, she was cooking bacon sandwiches. Imy placed a bacon sandwich on the table in front of Louise and then grabbed her own and sat next to her. 

Louise- "Thank you. How did you sleep?"

Imy- "Alright, until Niall woke me up this morning taking Noah to the park."

Louise- "The park? Really?"

Imy- "Yeah the park. He said that he needed to go out with Louis and write songs and apparently he writes well in the park. I don't know and he took Noah with him. He said that they could feed the ducks and then while he is asleep in the buggy Niall and Louis can write."

Louise- "Oh I see." 

Imy was about to ask Louise where Aston was, but Daisy started to cry. Louise put her finger up at Imy, signalling that she would be back in a minute. Louise jogged up the stairs and grabbed Daisy from her cot.


Louise- "Morning beautiful."

Daisy smiled at Louise and Louise carried her downstairs and walked back into the kitchen. Louise handed her over to Imy while she heated up her bottle. Imy cooed at Daisy and Louise stood against the counter, shaking Daisy’s bottle, laughing. Louise handed Imy the bottle and let Imy feed Daisy while she finished off her bacon sandwich.

Imy- "So I was going to ask where Aston has gone."

Louise- "He went to an interview, the place is over an hour away so I think he will be out all day to be honest he didn’t really tell me, he woke me up by falling over the rocking chair this morning and that’s when he told me he had an interview. But anyway what shall we do today Dais?"

Imy- "Don’t think she can reply. I can though. We should go out and do something. Shop. Spa. Anything really, something worthwhile."

Louise- "What about Daisy?"

Imy- "She can come. If we go to the spa she can go into the spa nursery or you can call your nanny. I don’t know. We need something to do though. We are acting old now that we have children."


Louise laughed at Imy and then agreed.

Louise- "shall we call everyone else?"

Imy- "Up to you."

Louise- "Nah it can be just us two we haven’t been out just the two of us in ages so if you just let me call the nanny she is always on call so she will be here in 10 minutes and then I will go pack a bag, you go online and look up so good spas around new York."

Imy- " Yes boss."


Imy laughed and got a laptop out of a drawer in the kitchen and searched up some spas while Louise took daisy and went back upstairs and phoned the nanny and packed a bag for the spa.

Louise come back down the stairs without Daisy and a medium sized gym bag on her shoulder.



Imy got the door as Louise quickly ran into the kitchen making herself a smoothie and putting it into two bottles for her and Imy to take to the spa. Louise put them into her bag and went out and greeted Jessica the nanny

L- Hey Jessica you ok?

J-yes I’m good thank you, going anywhere nice?

I-were just spending the day at the spa.

J-Where is Daisy?

L-she is upstairs in her cot playing with some toys waiting for you, her milk is in the kitchen, and she will need a feed around 2 this afternoon and again at 5 obviously if Aston I home by then you can go and he will take over but I’m not sure when he will be home but I will text you when me and Imy are on our way home.

J-yeah that’s fine, I will let you two go and have a nice day at the spa.

Louise and Imy thanked the nanny and Imy walked to the car, Louise grabbed her car keys out of the kitchen a got two apples she walked back to the front door throwing an apple at Imy and they got into Louise’s Red Range rover that was parked in the front drive way and they made their way to a spa, Imy had printed of the directions to a famous 5* spa in town she put the details into the sat-nav and they drove to the spa.

They arrived at the Euphoria spa, they parked up in the car park and they got out of the car, there were no pap’s or fans around they both looked at each other with a shocked look but they were both smiling, it was nice to go out and no be harassed.

Louise and Imy checked in and looked through the booklet and they chose what they were going to have done. Louise had decided that she was going to get the eyelash extensions which were £160 each eye so there was no need for Louise to wear mascara.

I-                    They sound so good but I just don’t think I would be able to sit there and let someone put individual eyelashes on my eyelashes.

L-but just think about being able to wake up with already perfect lashes and you wouldn’t have to wear eye makeup.

i-                    I only wear makeup when we go out.

L-you say that as if we only go out once a year

i-                    Yeah I know ha-ha were always out, well I’m going to get a massage and relax and I will think about it during then.

L- You are so boring. You need to be more spontaneous.

The Unknown. One Direction and JLS fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang