Chapter 66

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Madeline POV,

I got up early and snuck downstairs to prepare, I set up the balloons and streamers. I made a banner that said, 'Happy Birthday', and I Made him his favorite breakfast, blueberry muffins and black coffee. I walked upstairs to wake him up, "Ryuga... Wake up! I made breakfast!" I exclaimed, "Hmm... I'm tired..." he said and pulled me in a hug, "R-Ryuga..." "You smell like muffins." He mumbled, "I made you some, come down stairs," "mhmm." he rubbed his eyes and looked up at me. Why does he have the most beautiful eyes? "I also made you coffee," he smiled and got up. I dragged him down stairs. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I exclaimed, and kissed his cheek. "hehe, how cute... did you set this up?" he chuckled, "yup!" I smiled "Thanks" he kissed my forehead. I got his coffee and muffins, "Mmmm..." "You like the muffins?" he nodded, "I'm glad!" "You are a good baker... and a good cook too," "thanks."

Then I had him sit on the couch, "OK, open your first present!" I handed him a box. He opened it, and smiled widely. He took out a photo album of our wedding. "The pictures came!" He exclaimed, "I know I'm so happy!" he flipped through the pictures, "I love them..." He said, "I love you." "I love you too, open this one next!" "Alright..." he opened the next box, and looked at it then at me, "How did you..?" "I payed for another one made... I hope you like it, i'm sorry it's not the original..." "Who cares! It's perfect I love it thank you!" I had gotten him an exact replica of his dragon bey holder. He hugged me. "Ok for the last one... well you had better like it..." "I know I will." The third box was in a clothing shape. He opened it, and pulled out a shirt, the shirt showed a dragon with the colors of L-drago (It looks like L-drago) Then there was another dragon, a white and red dragon, and lastly there was a little dragon, it had all of the colors of the two bigger dragons on it. Ryuga looked at the shirt, then at me.

What do you guys think is going to happen???? :) :) :D 

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