Chapter 48: "You're the best."

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My eyes fluttered open, I was in a room that looked very familiar. I tried to sit up but winced at the pain, it hurt SO bad, my wounds were bandaged, and I could tell they were steadily healing. Then a boy walked into the room, carrying a bowl, it smelled like soup. He had white hair, with a red tuff on his left side, his face was covered in cuts and bruises. I started shaking. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. 

He smiled, "I'm glad you are awake..." he had a raspy voice. Tears streamed down my face, he set the bowl down and came and sat beside me, I grabbed his arm. 

"A-a-are we d-dead?" I asked in a whisper, my voice was so weak.

The boy laughed, "no, we aren't dead." 

After gaining some of my voice back, I asked: "R-R-Ryu-Ryuga, is i-it really you?"

 He nodded. I was now crying. "Aww don't cry, I'm right here..." he soothed, 

"H-how are-are you alive?"

 "L-Drago used the last of his strength and teleported me away at the final moment, I was healing for quite a bit, for two months. I'm sorry I left you..." he told me quietly. 

"I m-missed you so so m-much Ryuga..." 

"I know you did, I missed you just as much," he said and stroked my hair. 

"I-I was t-told you died." 

"I know... they all thought I died." He got up and brought the bowl of soup, "eat." He told me, and fed me the steaming liquid after I was done, he put the bowl on the floor and laid beside me, "Are you tired?" he asked, 


"Hmm, me too..." he kissed me very lightly, "I love you..." He whispered, 

"I love you too." And we both fell asleep.

I awoke in Ryuga's arms, a living, breathing, Ryuga. Who had his arms tightly wrapped around me. The others I knew weren't coming today, and I would be content just staying right where I was. 

After a few minutes, Ryuga woke up, "hmmm, it's nice to wake up beside you..." he mumbled tiredly.

I giggled, it hurt, "It's nice waking up beside you." 

"Are you in pain?" I nodded, "Everything hurts." 

"Come on, let's go eat some food, and I can help you rebandage." 

"Thank you," Ryuga helped me out of bed, walking was a struggle, it hurt to move, but thankfully Ryuga was there every step to help. We made it to the kitchen, he sat me down and started making breakfast. He made me some oatmeal and helped feed it to me. 

"Ryuga I can get it," I told him even though I was SO weak,

 "I know you can, but I want to help, you look like you are in so much pain." He told me, giving me another bite. 

I nodded, "I-I am in pain..."

 He smiled slightly, "it will be ok, I am here and I am going to take good care of you." "Thank you."

 After breakfast, we went to my room and Ryuga helped bandage my lower back. 

Then we sat on the couch, we couldn't do much because of our injuries, Ryuga also was hurting a little. So we watched a movie. 

"Ryuga, thank you... you saved me..." 

"Well I couldn't sit around and let my girl be killed, I try to be a good boyfriend," Ryuga replied, kissing my head. I smiled at him, 

"You're the best." "Nah, I don't think so." "I think you are." I buried my head in his chest. 

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