Chapter 54: An Old Home: Part 3

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A Few minutes later... "What's going on?" Ryuto came in rubbing his eyes, "WHY THE HECK IS MADELINE IN HERE?!" 

"Damn it Ryuto! You are going to wake her!" 

"ok... why the heck is Madeline in here?!" He whispered yelled. 

"She has nightmares and she just fell asleep, so please be quiet." 

"So you are staying with her...?" 

"She is staying with me, and this is not new, she has these whenever Mason tries to hurt her, and I am happy to be here for her." 

"Well, mom is not going to be happy that she is sleeping beside you..." 

"I am an adult, and Madeline and I have been living together for quite a while now, you don't have to tell her." 

"But what if I want to?" he smirked 

"Then I can defend myself by protecting Madeline. She is my fiancee." 

"I know that!" 

"Ryuga... what is going on..." Madeline asked tiredly, we had woken her. 

"You woke her up!"

 "No you did! You are right there." 

"Can't you two fight tomorrow? We just got here, my back hurts and I am exhausted if you really need to fight to go to the other room." Madeline scolded us, the poor girl she was tired. 

"I'm sorry sweety, my brother was just loudly wondering what is going on." 

"mm, goodnight." She mumbled and turned over.

Ryuto left and I went back to sleep.

"Ryuga!" I woke up, someone was yelling. Where was I? I looked down, Madeline was sleeping. Oh right, I was at my childhood house. My mother barged into my room, "What the heck is going on here?!" I stood up and walked out of the room, it looked to be around seven-thirty. My mother pulled me out to the hallway, "Why is she sleeping with you?" She asked angrily 

"Because, Madeline has nightmares, and whenever she does I am always there to comfort her." 

"Do you two always sleep together?" 

"No, she has her own room, but whenever Mason or whatever tries to hurt her she gets these nightmares about people killing her, and to make it worse the dreams make her scars hurt." I ran my fingers through my hair, I was still tired. "Mom relax, it's ok." 

She took a deep breath. "Alright, you are an adult now, I shouldn't worry." 

"Yes mother, I have my own house, and I am starting a family." 

"Yes you are." she sighed,  "I am so proud of you, but I don't really like how she sleeps with you."

"Don't worry mom, we don't do anything. I'm just there to comfort."

"I'll make breakfast. Maybe go back to bed for a few minutes, you look tired."

"I'm always tired in the morning, but I'll try to go back to sleep, thank you. Just call when it's ready." 

"Alright." I walked back into the room and got back in bed, it was warm. 

"Where did you go Ryuga?" Madeline asked me tiredly, "My mom was just wondering why you were in here." 

"Oh, do you want me to leave?" 

"No! No of course not, I don't care whether you like it or not, you're staying in my arms." She giggled, 

"Ok." I pulled her close to me and we sat in silence.

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