Chapter 7: Im the New Girl

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Ryuga was waiting for me when I walked out of the room. He looked really good in his usual attire. He gave a small smile when he saw me. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, gesturing to my new headpiece.

"I love it, its beautiful, thank you." I gave a big smile to him. He held out his arm for me to take, I did. We started walking down the hall. 

"Who are you?" I looked at a little boy, he had orange hair and big green eyes. 

Ryuga sighed, "Yu, this is Madeline. Madeline, this is Yu Tendo, he is one of the bladers here." Ryuga told me, 

"Hi, Yu, Its nice to meet you." I smiled 

"Its nice to meet you too Madi!" He smiled widely at me. "Ryuga, is she your girlfriend?" He asked.

"No. She is my friend, I will be taking care of her." Ryuga pulled me closer to his chest. I blushed. 

"She has your crown, Ryuga!" 

"Yu, how many times do I have to tell you, its not a crown, its a headpiece!" Ryuga rolled his eyes. "And thats Madeline's headpiece." He told the little boy. 

"Well, I'm hungry! See you at breakfast!" He gave a big smile and ran off, we walked in the direction he ran. 

"He is so cute!" I told him, 

"He gets quite annoying though." 

We reached the dining hall, Ryuga walked to the head of the table, I timidly followed, he motioned for me to sit beside him, I did. Everyone was staring at me, in that moment I wanted the floor to swallow me up, the looks I was getting were NOT friendly. I heard several whispers that said: 

"Who is she?!" 

"What's with the Headpiece?" 

"Why did she come in with Ryuga?" And several more, 

I looked to Ryuga to comfort me, "Are you alright?" He asked quietly,

I shook my head, "No, they are all staring at me!"

"You are new, you are wearing a headpiece that looks just like mine, plus you are talking to me and you came in with me." I nodded and looked at my food. 

After a moment one person spoke up, "YOU! Why are you talking to Ryuga? Doesn't he scare you?! Because you should be scared, he could tear you to pieces! Why are you sitting by him? Who do you think you are, his little pet? And what is with the crown? Are you trying to mock him? Who do you think you are?! Ryuga is the respected leader around here! You shouldn't even be talking to him!" The man was quite large, he scared me a lot, 

"I-I" Other people looked at me to answer the questions, "I-I am n-not mocking-" Ryuga stood abruptly. 

"HOW DARE YOU! How dare you speak to her in such a manor! She is not afraid of me and she shouldn't be! She is most certainly aloud to talk to me and sit by me! She is not 'my little pet' what ever the heck that means! I gave her that HEADPIECE! CANT YOU SEE SHE IS ALREADY TERRIFIED?! This is a new place for her and she is really nervous! She came here to be safe! NOT TO BE TORMENTED! You make her uncomfortable!" Ryuga yelled at the man, who was quivering, surprised at Ryuga out burst. Ryuga's eyes had shrunk. "Get out!" He growled. 

"Y-yes master... I am so sorry master." Ryuga's only response was a glare, if looks could kill this man would be dead. The man scurried out of the large dining room. I shrunk in my chair, Ryuga was really scary when he was mad. He took a deep breath and sat back down.

"Are you alright Madeline?" He asked me quietly, noticing that I was shrinking in my chair, trying to be small. 

"I-I have just never seen you mad before..."

"Im sorry, did I scare you?"  I just nodded, "Im sorry."

"I-its ok..." 

Everyone stared at Ryuga in shock, they had never heard him apologies, especially to a girl. 

"What are you all looking at?!" Ryuga growled. The tile on the floor became ever so interesting. After a few minuets of science Ryuga, stood up again. "Listen up!" Everyone looked up at him. "This is Madeline, she is new here and is to be respected just as much as I am, you all will treat her with kindness, and hospitality. She is a guest here and is to be treated as such! If I catch any of you being a jerk around her, L-drago's favorite meal is a blades spirit."

"YES MASTER RYUGA! WE WELL RESPECT AND WELCOME MADELINE!" Everyone said in unison. I gave a small smile at Ryuga, he wanted me to feel safe here. 


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