Chapter 15: The New Building

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I helped walk Madeline out of the hospital, it was around 10:30 am. I hoped that they were almost finished moving when we got there. Although moving Merci was hard, but Doji could take care of that. 

"How are you feeling Madeline? Are you in pain?" I asked her, I had been worrying about her all morning and this was probably the 15th time I have asked her today. 

She gave a laugh that clearly hurt her, "I am in pain, though there is nothing I can do about it. I took some pain killers an hour ago," she told me. 

"I am sorry, if I was there I could have stopped it." I said, taking her hand, 

"It's ok, what were you doing anyway?" She asked me. 

"Well, I had brought some ice cream, I was just getting it out of the car." I told her she smiled. I helped her into the car. "This new location is a little further than our last one." I told her, started the car, and started driving. "When we get back, I am letting you sleep, we were up late last night, and the night before that." I told her, she just nodded tiredly, I was also tired, we had only gotten a little sleep last night.

When we got there I had to wake Madeline up, she had fell asleep in the car. Doji was waiting for us. 

"Master Ryuga, what happened?" He asked me, I was holding Madeline's waist lightly to help her walk.

"As I said on the phone, she was whipped." I said coldly 

"But, who whipped her?" He kept at it, and since tired me was grumpy, I just replied angrily 

"Doji, can I talk after I get Madi to bed?" 

"Fine, her room is 305 on the 4th floor." He noticed the anger in my voice, good. I grunted a reply, and walked Madeline to her room. 

"Here we are. I said opening the door. Her room was just as beautiful as the last one, maybe even more so, it still had dragons, I hoped mine had dragons too. 

"Thank you Ryuga, for a wonderful night last night. I am sorry it got ruined." She said, giving me a big hug, I smiled, 

"You're very welcome, I am so glad you had a good time, you didn't ruin my night, I am just so sorry, I know yours was ruined, i'm sorry." I held her tighter "Now sleep, you need it." 

I started walking away, but she grabbed my wrist. "Ryuga... Thank you," She pulled me into a hug. I smiled tiredly and took her hand in mine, 

"You are welcome my beautiful Dragon Empress." I said, and kissed her hand, she knew I was known as the Dragon Emperor, I have been calling myself that for a long time. She blushed, I do know how to make her cheeks red, don't I? 

"...Dragon empress?" She looked up at me, I nodded, yes she was, my dragon empress.

When I left her room Doji was waiting for me. "So, how was your date," He asked with a smirk. 

"It was great," I said annoyance clear in my voice. 

"Who whipped her?" He started again. 

"A man named Josh, she was abused back at the village you took me from, and they came to get her back." I told him. "Now I am going to bed, I'm tired." He just nodded. 

"Your room is across from hers!" He called after me. I walked in my room and collapsed on my bed. 

"Darn it, it's too bright." I got up and shut the curtains. And got back in bed. And almost immediately fell asleep. 


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