Chapter 32: Singing with Len Kagamine

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After a while I got a letter, it read 'Hello Madeline! You have been chosen to come and sing with Len Kagamine! Please come the concert hall at 10:00am July 19th, thank you and we'll see you soon! That songs you will be singing are: Weekender Girl, Adolescence, World Domination How To, Romeo and Cinderella, and suki kirai.' I showed the letter to Ryuga, 

"Ryuga I won't the contest to sing with Len Kagamine!" I was so excited. 

"Hey! That's awesome, I know you will do great." He told me, 

"Thank you!" I began practicing. "Weekender girl!" I sang. 

"Wow, you sing beautifully." Ryuga told me, 

"Ah! You were watching me?" I yelped, 

"Yea, is it not ok for me to watch you prepare to sing?" 

"It is ok... I am just nervous, what if the people don't like my voice?" 

"Hey! You have a beautiful voice, the people will love it." 

"Thank you."

A few weeks later, It was the day for me to sing, I was SO nervous.

"You'll do fine!" Ryuga assured me for the fifth time today. 

"B-But what if I don't! What if they hate me!" Ryuga shook his head, 

"Even If they hate your singing I don't, I think you have a beautiful voice." Ryuga told me. 

"Thanks Ryuga." We got in the car and drove to the concert hall.

We got there around 9:54 and I was rushing inside, Ryuga's hand in mine. 

"Hello! You must be Madeline correct?" A woman asked me. 

"Yes I am and this is my boyfriend Ryuga." 

"Oh hello Ryuga, you are a blader are you not?" 

"Yes I am." 

"Alright well we better get you set up Madeline, but first i would like you to meet Len Kagamine!" A boy with yellow hair and electric blue eyes came up to me 

"Hi, I'm is Len, and this is Rin, my sister." He pointed to his sister who waved, "You must be Madeline." He shook my hand.

"Yes I am, and this is Ryuga, It is really nice to meet you Len!" 

"It is nice to meet you too, are you ready for tonight?" He asked me 

"I'm a little nervous but very excited." 

"Don't be nervous, ok, lets get you set up! Then you can demonstrate your voice." I nodded. They all started helping me get ready. "Alright Madeline, we are going to check your mic, please sing Weekender Girl." 

"Ok" I took a deep breath, Ryuga put his hand on me and smiled and I started singing, after I was don't everyone clapped, I blushed 

"You have a beautiful voice!" Len told me. 

"Thank you." 

"All right, let's get practicing!" Len shouted, we practiced songs all day, and I was introduced to Hatsune Miku, KAITO, MEIKO, and Luka.

"Are you ready?" Ryuga asked me helping me get ready. 

"I think so." I told him nervously, he spun the chair around, making me face him, 

"I know you will do great, you have a beautiful voice and tend to please crowds." 

"Thank you Ryuga." I smiled, 

"Alright, Madeline we need to go!" Len walked in, "You look great!" 

"Thank you," 

"Ryuga you had better go watch for her!" Len told Ryuga who nodded, I was dragged out and got ready to on stage, my heart was beating fast, Len gave me a reassuring smile, I smiled back.

 We were lifted onto the stage when it was our turn, and we sang Suki Kirai. The next song was just me, I sang Romeo and Cinderella, and I got a lot of people who liked me! 

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