Chapter 25: A Coma

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Ryuga's POV

I felt so bad for what I had said during the finale of battle bladers. But now I was chasing after Madeline, she had run away, and I could tell she didn't have any strength and she was in pain, I saw the others follow me. I truly didn't like Kyoya, he is so mean to her. 

"Where is she?" I was looking all around the forest, calling her name. "Madeline!" Why wasn't she answering? 

The others started calling for her also, "Madeline please answer!" We searched for two hours.

 I reached a ditch, and looked down, Madeline was unconscious on the ground and her head was bleeding, how long has she been there? 

"Shoot!" I ran down there and scooped her up, she looked as if she was in pain. "Madeline?" I tried shaking her, "Madeline speak to me!" I could not get her awake, I felt for a pulse, her heart was thankfully beating, I put my hand over the wound on her head, to make it stop bleeding. "Madeline, please wake up!" I pleaded. Nothing. 

"Ryuga where are you?!" I heard someone call. I got out of the ditch, and the others were waiting for me. 

"She's unconscious, I need to get her to the hospital." I told them and started walking/running towards the town.

The doctors told me that she was in a coma, and that I could take her home. They bandaged her. In addition to being in a coma, she had a sprained ankle, so many cuts and scrapes, and some of her scars opened.

I carried her to my car, the doctors were coming with me to hook her up with an IV, we all went to my place and they told me what to do for her everyday. I knew I needed to make amends with Madeline's friends, so I looked for Madoka's number on Madeline's phone, found it and used my phone to call. 

"Hello? Is this Madoka?" I asked 

"Yes, may I ask who is speaking?" 

"Hello Madoka it's Ryuga, I just got back from the hospital with Madeline." 

"Oh hi... Ryuga... is Madeline ok?" 

"I don't know, the doctors told me that she is in a coma. I called to invite everyone over to see her, I want to make amends with everyone." There was a silence. 

"Hello?" I heard another voice ask, 


"Hi Ryuga, it's Gingka, we would be glad to come over to see Madeline, and I would be happy to hear what you have to say and move on from what happened." 

"Great." I said and gave them the address of my house. Two hours later they were here. And they all stooped over Madeline. 

"So... she is in a coma?" Gingka asked. 

"Yes. That is what the doctors told me. They also said she might not wake up." I was so worried for her, she has been through a lot in the past few months, but I couldn't bear to lose her. 

"...I'm really sorry." he told me in response, I just nodded, then Kyoya came up to me, it was all his fault, if he had not yelled at her this would not have happened.

 "Look, I am sorry for what happened, I did not mean for this to happen." I was angry, 

"You shouldn't have yelled at her." I replied, doing my best told my anger down, if i was to become friends with these people the i could not yell, as much as i wanted to. 

"I know, i was wrong, i am sorry." I walked over to the unconscious body of Madeline and stroked her hair.

The rest of the time we all talked, they were now kinda my friends, and i would allow them to come over when ever to see Madeline. They all left. And I went to the volcano to try to free myself from the dark power.

After that I went over to Madeline and tried once more to wake her, 

"Madeline, please wake up, we all need you awake." I did not get a response. I walked to my room, I was so worried about her, and crawled in bed and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, expecting Madeline to come say good morning as she usually did. and when she didn't I went to see what was up, 

"Oh... right... she is in a coma." I sighed, and just stood there for a minute, I stroked her hair and gave her a 'good morning kiss' to her head. I walked down stairs and got some breakfast, I did not eat much, I was not hungry. I heard a knock on the door, I went and answered. 

"Hello Ryuga, I am here to see Madeline, is that ok?" it was Madoka and Gingka, 

"Sure, come in." I held the door open for them, and they stepped inside. They looked at Madeline, who was still in the same position from last night. 

"Are you ok Ryuga?" Gingka asked me, 

"Eh, I have been working on freeing myself from the dark power, I went last night to the volcano and finally freed myself from it." I told them trying to change the subject. 

"But that's not a reason to be sad about." Madoka said, I had a blank expression the entire time. "

I am just worried about Madeline, she hit her head hard, and she has not made any sign of waking." they nodded, 

"We want her awake too."

One week went by and Madeline didn't even move, I just grew more and more depressed.


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