Chapter 4: My New Home

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Madeline's POV

Ryuga was really happy to see me, it had been so long since I had seen him, and I have missed him so much. He still has his beautiful golden eyes that I loved, but I would never admit to anyone, the red streak in his hair only grew. He is incredibly muscular, unlike the little Ryuga, and he is so much taller than me, I feel so short next to him, the hight difference was really funny.

"I really missed you Ryuga."

"Madeline, you don't understand how much I missed you, how much I wished I was there taking care of you, I know that if I was there, none of your pain would have happened, and I regret that I regret that I was taken, I know it was not my fault but still, I missed you so much." 

I smiled at him, "How have you been Ryuga?" I asked he smiled at me.

"I have been... ok i guess, I have gotten a lot stronger... but to be honest, I don't really like it here. When I was taken, I wanted to bring you with me, I begged Doji, but he refused. You're here now, and I don't think I could take it if you left me again. I have gotten a new bey with a new power. But now that you are here, I can take care of you-you, you can stay here with me and become stronger, strong enough that you can protect yourself, it will take time, but if you work really hard I know you can do it." 

"Ryuga, can I have a little to think about it? I mean that's a big question, I just need a little time, I mean, where would I be staying? Would I be safe there?" I asked, 

"We will be moving soon into a new building for Battle Bladers, and I will have a nicer place, but no matter where we are, I will be close, you will be safe with me I promise." He assured me, 

"Ryuga it's been forever since I've seen you last, a lot has changed," I told him, 

"I haven't changed the fact that I want to protect you, and that I care about you." Ryuga was doing his very best to get me to give him the answer he wanted, 

"...Ok Ryuga, I'll stay."

"Thank you, Madeline... I won't let you down." He kissed my forehead. I had missed this feeling, being wrapped in his arms and the way he used to kiss my head, one of my favorite feelings. I could tell that Ryuga was excited. "Merci! Do we have any spare rooms on my floor?" He asked, although I did not see anyone 

"We do master, it is right across from yours." The voice responded. 

"Good, prepare it, make it ready by tonight understood?" 

"Yes, Master." 

"And have Doji's chef make us dinner, I'm not in the mood for people other than Madeline tonight." 

About an hour later, my room was being prepared, Ryuga showed me around, even though we would be leaving, he showed me the power of his new bey, that was really awesome, it was quite powerful, he defeated his opponent in an instant. The he showed me the dining room, nobody was there. It was very large, it had one really long table in the middle.

After another hour of Ryuga showing my around and spending more time with me, we heard a loud bang on the door, Merci answered, we looked out the window to see who it was, it was Kyoya. Of course, it was, he said he was going to pick me up in two hours. 

"It's Kyoya, what are we going to do?" I asked worriedly 

"Hey it's fine, I'll go down there and tell him that you are staying with me. Ok?" Ryuga reassured me,

"But Ryuga, he is so stubborn." I told him. 

"You do know I was alway more stubborn then him?" He laughed, 

"Yea." He put his arm around me. I went down with him but stayed inside.

Ryuga's POV

I walked out smugly, that little crap Kyoya was there waiting for me, I gave an insane smirk, "Well, well, well, look who it is! Mr. House cat!" He growled, "What brings you here?" I asked, knowing full well what he wanted. 

"Where is Madeline? I told her that I would come and get her in two hours, where is she?" 

"Oh, she is inside." I replied as my smirk widened. 

He rolled his eyes, "Why isn't she out here?" 

"Because she is staying with me." I told him plainly.

Staying with you huh? I don't think so." 

"Yea? What are you gonna do about it?" I replied coolly, 

"Take her." He barked, 

"Man, not even giving her a say, that's just cruel," 

"...I told her in two hours I would return." 

"So, it's her decision, let me get her, and we will see who she wishes to sit with." 


"Madeline! Could you come here?" She came out, she looked a little nervous, 

"Yes?" she asked, 

"Madeline, who would you rather stay with, Ryuga or me?" Kyoya approached her, 


"If you come with me, I can, give you protection, and you will have many friends, like Madoka, and Gingka and all of us." Kyoya begged. 

"If you stay with me, we can visit all your friends, Madoka, Gingka, if you want, also I will train you, you told me you wanted to become a great blader, strong enough to defend yourself, I can teach you that. I will keep you safe." I told Madeline, 

"Umm..." she thought a little "...I want to be in a place where I will be safe, I want a place where I will be taken care of, and where I have time to spend with my friends... I would like to stay with Ryuga... he told me he would keep me safe and protect me, he also told me that I could visit my friends. So I will choose Ryuga." 


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