Chapter 65

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The next week

Ryuga's POV

Madeline and I got ready for Gingka and Madoka's wedding. 

"Are you ready Madi?" I asked tightening the tie on the suit, "We need to leave."  

"I am!" She came out wearing a black dress with lace on the sleeves, she looked beautiful. 

"Madeline you look gorgeous, as always," I told her. 

"Aw thank you, you look so nice in a suit!" 

"heh, thanks," I replied, I took her hand and we went to the wedding.

"Do you, Gingka take Madoka, to be your wife?" The guy asked, 

"I do," Gingka said with a big smile on his face.

"And do you Madoka take Gingka to be your husband?" 

"I do," Madoka replied also smiling.

"I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the bride." Gingka pulled Madoka to his lips and kissed her. We all cheered. We had cake and food and it was great. I got to dance with Madeline again, I love dancing with her. Then we bid them farewell for there honeymoon.

Two weeks pass

Madoka and Gingka got back yesterday and Madoka took Madeline shopping.

Madeline's POV

I was excited! I was going shopping for Ryuga's birthday! I shopped for clothes and groceries and other fun things. When I got home Ryuga was chilling on the couch, I went to my room and wrapped Ryuga's three presents. 

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