The Animus Object

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Glory was answering questions. The way it worked, was that any dragon that wished to speak with her got in a line. After a certain hour, no more dragons would be allowed in the line. Those that didn't make it had to wait until tomorrow. It was a tiring job, but it had to be done. It was this job that Glory hated more than anything, simply because nothing interesting or worth her time ever happened. It was mainly just long hours of her listening to dragons complain about things she couldn't change. Especially with Coconut. Three Moons, that dragonet NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT BORING PAPAYAS! But for once, something interesting did happen. For once, a dragon came forward, not with a complaint, but with a gift.

Glory was surprised as Firefly stepped into the room. Usually dragonets never came to her, especially not the daughter of one of her closest friends. 

"Firefly," Glory greeted her with a small smile. Why did she look so nervous? Firefly nodded her head and took a deep breath before speaking. 

"Your Majesty. I....Well, I'm here for two reasons." she began. "I have to confess something." 

"I'm listening." Glory insisted, her curiosity growing. 

"I'm an animus." Firefly admitted. Eyes went wide around the room. "And I have enchanted something, but I figured it would be safer in the hands of someone like you rather than me." Glory froze. An animus? Starflight's daughter? And she was using her magic? The last thing she needed right now was for a five-year old to go Albatross on her.

 The guards eyed the queen, wondering how she would handle this. 

"Does your father know about this?" Glory questioned.

 "He knows that I have the power, but not that I've used it." Firefly explained. Glory nodded. "Very well. And I assume you are aware of the risks of using animus magic?" Firefly nodded.

 "Yes. I don't plan on using my power again, but I wanted to do at least one thing with it." she explained. 

"Alright. Well then, why don't you show us what you have enchanted?" Glory asked. Firefly held up an emerald, about the size of a dragon's palm. 

"It works better in the dark." she began, placing the jewel on the ground. "I call it The Last Goodbye." she continued. "Any dragon can walk up to it and think of a dragon that has died and all they have to do is say the dragon's name while thinking of them, and that dragon's spirit will appear and you will be able to talk to them again for a little while before they have to leave." 

Everyone in the room was a statue. This dragonet in front of them created a way to talk to the dead. What.

 "And you wish for me to keep this." Glory repeated in disbelief. Firefly nodded and handed her the emerald. 

"That's it." Firefly insisted, rushing out of the room. Glory glanced over at Deathbringer, who was staring at the emerald with a nauseous look on his face.

Word spread fast among the gossiping Rainwings and it ran to the Nightwings as well. Clay, Tsunami, and Sunny came rushing to the rainforest and the five Dragonets of Destiny ended up standing in a dark cave, the emerald laying on the ground in front of them. 

Starflight paced the cave, in utter shock that Firefly had gone against his wishes. He always thought that Nightflyer was the rebellious one, and he was. Not Firefly. Not sweet, innocent, little Firefly. 

What had happened to her that he wasn't aware of? 

He didn't ever suspect that all it was, was a scarred Sandwing spy that didn't know how to read.

"Are we really doing this?" Tsunami asked. 

"Yes." Sunny confirmed. "We need to." The five of them joined talons for comfort, each of them replaying memories of the same dragon with their eyes closed. Finally Sunny spoke the dragon's name and they all opened their eyes and gasped. It had worked. 

"Well," Dune said in surprise. "We sure have a lot to talk about."

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